Are you guilty?
Then we want you!
This year I’ve asked Jocelyn from We Talk of Christ, Shannon from The Red Headed Hostess, and Jaime from Welcome to the Madness to help host our 2nd annual celebration on The Family: A Proclamation to the World.
We are doing the celebration a bit differently this year. It will be held for two weeks, September 9th – September 23rd. Each of us hosting will concentrate on something different: Jocelyn’s focus will be on teaching the proclamation to younger children, Shannon’s focus will be teaching the proclamation to teenagers as well as personal study tips for adults, Jaime will focus on applying the principles of the proclamation to our families and my focus is on the effect of the Proclamation to the world – tackling the major issues facing families today.
We’ve got guest bloggers with varying backgrounds and experiences ready to share their views, crafts, or activities – all about the family. There are generous folks who also love their families and are contributing to the celebration by offering some terrific giveaway prizes!
And for this celebration to truly be a success we need your help too. How?
♥ Start with your own families. What do you love about them? What has parenthood been like? What are the joys and sorrows you’ve experienced? Begin writing posts about your family – any aspect of it – and set them to publish during the celebration, September 9th – September 23rd. If you need ideas for topics just read The Family Proclamation. Trust me – you won’t run out once you get started.
♥ Participate in our Monday and Thursday blog hops. Write a post about that day’s topic and link to it on the official blog hop page. Here are the topics so you can get your creative juices flowing to write your posts to correspond with them.
Monday, Sept. 12th – Family Mission Statements – Do you have a family mission statement? Share it with us! How did you come up with your mission statement?
Thursday, Sept. 15th – Photo Essay: Photos that “say” something about the Family Proclamation. For example, a picture of your family playing a game with the caption from the proclamation that says, “Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on . . .wholesome recreational activities.”
Monday, Sept. 19th – Family Home Evening (FHE) Lessons pertaining to some part of the Proclamation.
Thursday, Sept. 22nd – How the Proclamation has impacted your family personally.
♥ Help us spread the word about the celebration! See the button below? Post it on your blogs. Write a post about the celebration. Tweet it. Share it on Facebook. Whatever you do, refer others back to this post so they will know more about the celebration.

♥ Be prepared to comment and discuss about all aspects of the family, especially on the guest posts. I personally have 10 guest bloggers lined up for this blog and I know Shannon, Jaime, and Jocelyn have others lined up for theirs too. Some are well known, others not as much, but they all have taken the time to write and share about their experiences.
So, what do you say? Will you join us? Will you help to spread the word so others can join in the fun and
I remember how great it was last year. Sounds exciting again!
This sounds so wonderful! I plan on joining in on the fun, but seeing its the first week of my first year at homeschooling, we will see, but I will at least enjoy reading it all!
wahoo! Last year was so awesome, so I am super excited for this one! Plus, that was the first time I was introduced to you…so it’s like, or anniversary or something, right? heehee.
Last year’s was wonderful. I look forward to this year’s posts and format.
This should generate some great thoughts. I will look at it from a Grandmother’s point of view.
Enjoy the moments!
So Excited!
(and I LOVE the graphic at the top!)
I look forward to reading all the posts on all our blogs, it is going to be amazing!
The new family portrait is awesome!
This sounds so great! I’m excited & so glad a friend told me about it 🙂 I’d love to be involved somehow- even if it’s just through writing my own posts on my own blog and linking up. So glad you ladies are putting this together- good for you!!
What a wonderful idea; I’d love to be involved in any way I can! I post a free LDS based preschool curriculum on my blog. I’ll definitely be linking to this event!