Sister Julie B. Beck’s talk from the 2011 BYU Women’s Conference has finally been transcribed!!!! Click below to get the pdf file:
Julie B. Beck: Opening Session
I highly recommend printing it off and not just reading it but studying it. It is a good twelve pages long so it would be a great for a weekly study.
Some of my favorite quotes:
“Our Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, love, value and rely on their daughters. God’s daughters, we know, have equal importance in His sight with His sons. They have unique responsibilities and duties in the plan of salvation, and they share some responsibilities in the plan with Heavenly Father’s sons. They also have a unified purpose in our Heavenly Father’s plan with His sons. There is an interesting, exciting, and unique female identity of greatness, richness, that is choice beyond comparison. And this identity that the Lord has given us and that we understand through the gospel of Jesus Christ, is in direct contrast to the debased and devalued identity of women that we find in the world today. We find an elevated, strong identity that comes from our Heavenly Father. This identity and purpose can only be fully understood through a spiritual confirmation.”
“There is much out in the world that is false by way of identity. There are identities of sensuality, women seeking power, prestige, money, leisure—all of these things are different identities. But the identity of a daughter of God is precious beyond compare, and rich, and full. We know that women are the guardians of the hearth and the home. And they have the responsibility for the hearts and souls of men and women and the children of our Heavenly Father. They are given this powerful and influential leadership role. Female responsibilities include being a wife, include being a mother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend. This is all about nurturing, teaching, and influencing. These are non-negotiable responsibilities. We can’t delegate them. We can accept them and live them, but these are things we understood before we were born, and we can’t negotiate with the Lord about whether or not these are our responsibilities. They have been part of the plan from the beginning; they are not going to change because of any clamor to the contrary. These are our responsibilities.”
“One of the questions that I get frequently is, “Is it okay if I work outside of my home or I don’t work outside of my home?” You have to know that as an international, global, Relief Society president, that question isn’t always appropriate in all of the world’s countries. There are many, many places where if our women don’t work, they don’t eat. So of course they have to work. The question of whether or not to work is the wrong question. The question is, “Am I aligned with the Lord’s vision of me and what He needs me to become, and the roles and responsibilities He gave me in heaven that are not negotiable? Am I aligned with that, or am I trying to escape my duties?” Those are the kinds of things we need to understand. Our Heavenly Father loves His daughters, and because He loves us and the reward at the end is so glorious, we do not get a pass from the responsibilities we were given. We cannot give them away. They are our sacred duties and we fulfill them under covenant.”
And those are only from the first four pages!!
You can read my initial thoughts after attending the session at BYU Women’s conference on this post.
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Love. (Loved.) LOVE. Can’t wait to study it.
How did you snag this?! I just checked earlier this week and it wasn’t up yet!
Happy reading to us all 🙂
Thanks so much for posting this. I missed Women’s Conference this year and it seems to take forever for the transcripts to be available. I can’t wait to read and study this.
Thank you so much. I’m going to print this off and study it this week.
I remember this talk and I will be coping, reading and pondering on it. Thanks to you for posting this and keep on enjoying those moments!
Looking forward to it! Thanks!
thank you for this… I will be printing it up and reading it!
thanks for posting the link, I had fogotten that I wanted to read it!
I printed this up and have been reading it, thank you so much for posting it. I have learned so much from it. It has highlighted and marked on and I feel so blessed to know that I am a daughter of God.
thank you again!