Are you getting excited about our Family Proclamation Celebration yet? I am! We have some great posts written by guest bloggers, and some awesome giveaway prizes lined up.
See this amazing custom family tree from ShabbyLadybug?
Available in any color or combination of colors, this 12x12inch digital file is delivered to your e-mail after you provide the genealogy names. I love how the two trees are intertwined to create one tree – so unique and beautiful.
Here’s your opportunity to win it! Help us spread the news about our Family Proclamation Celebration. There are several ways to enter.
*Grab the Celebrate Family Blog Button and place it on your blog’s sidebar. Leave the url to your blog so we can come and check.

*Write a blog post about the celebration and let us know in the comments.
*Leave a comment telling us what your favorite fall activity is to do with your family.
*Like Chocolate on my Cranium on Facebook.
*Like We Talk of Christ, We Rejoice in Christ.
To make entering easier I am trying out this new Rafflecopter widget. It allows you to do all the entries from right here. You don’t have to travel to each individual facebook page to like it, you can do it right from the widget! You don’t have to enter a separate comment for each thing either. You will have to take the effort to post the button on your blog or write a blog post though. The great thing about Rafflecopter is it will keep track of all entries, giving them a number, making it much easier for a winner to be picked. When Rafflecopter asks for your info such as an e-mail address, that is strictly for notification purposes only if you are the winner.
Help us spread the word about the Family Proclamation Celebration!
Good luck!
© 2007-2011 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
Looking forward to the Celebration!
What a small world!! I personally know the woman who designed that family tree. 🙂 She’s wonderful and her designs are unique and beautiful. I had no idea she even had an etsy store! I can’t wait to tell her that her that I saw one of her creations on one of my favorite homeschool blogs! 🙂 🙂
Totally awesome prize, Montse!!!
I love spending time with my family outside in the fall… bike rides, walks, picnics, etc
I posted a comment but lost it, so here’s round two, lol. We love it when things being to cool off–it’s hot in our part of the world. Once the weather turns, we migrate outdoors as much as possible! Walks, biking, campfires, picnics, watching the sunset are all enjoyable activities around here.
Autumn begins our intro to yummy drinks like hot cocoa and wassail. Each family member has his/her own mug and we love having a hot cocoa bar with assorted cocoa mixes and flavors, creamers, marshmallows and whipping cream. Mmmmm.
carving pumpkins!
There is nothing better than celebrating family. I’m looking forward to the celebration!
That tree is beautiful, too bad I still plan on adding children to our family, or I’d order one for our family for this Christmas.
Anything to do with pumpkins and apples makes fall wonderful at our house!
We live in a neighborhood where there are many mature trees. Fall presents a wonderful opportunity for our family to sneak around the neighborhood, scope out front yards that have leaves all about and anonymously rake and bag the leaves and haul them away.
Awesome prize and great idea!
Our favorite family activity is going out to the pumpkin patch and finding the perfect pumpkins.
My favorite fall activity is a tradition I keep intending to start, but it never happens, so this is going to be the year we actually do it: go through a corn maze as a family and visit the pumpkin patch.
Our favorite activity is cleaning out the pumpkins, and then cooking the seeds to eat while we drink apple cider.
I put the button on my blog.
We always carve pumpkins and toast the seeds for eating, yum!
As a family we loving spending more time outside as the weather cools off. We love to walk the dogs and go feed the ducks.
So many to choose from: hot chocolate & apple cider, pumpkin carving, walks in the crisp air, checking out all the fall colors, burning cinnamon candles…. They are things that can be done individually, but that we wind up doing together because fall is one of our most favorite times of year. 🙂
Our favorite fall activity is a toss up between apple picking and catching falling leaves. Our kids (and my husband) like to use some sort of container to run around our yard trying to catch as many falling leaves as they can. 🙂
I’m so excited for this celebration of the family!
Pick apples & make applesauce. Yummy, fun activity.
YAY! I’m so excited it’s September again. This celebration, fall is coming, the weather is cooling, school is starting to run more smoothly. ahhhhh:)
My favorite fall activity is our Fall Family Fun Day. Near Halloween, my husband will take the day off and we’ll take a vacation from school. We go pick out pumpkins from the local patch to carve that night. We’ll maybe go to the zoo together, or on a hayride, or I’m thinking maybe we’ll see if we can go apple picking this year. We spend the whole day together out and about reveling in autumn.
we don’t really have any fall traditions yet, which is totally lame I know. I do like thinking up costumes… we try to dress up matching-ish, like one year we were a dragon, knight and princess. Last year Toby was the Cat in the Hat and Nate and I were Thing 1 and Thing 2. This year I have no idea. I’m thinking Phineas and Ferb.
I do like taking Toby to Gardner Village in Utah and seeing the pumpkins and decorations.
Mostly I’m just so grateful that I survived the summer. I hate the heat. Bring on the cool temperatures!
Umm I think I accidentally entered twice for each thingy. I was so confused! I don’t even know. I’m sorry I broke your giveaway. I am probably fired now. It’s okay. I fire myself.
looking forward to the next 2 weeks!
I’m so excited you’re doing this again! My favorite fall activity with my family is going to a local fall festival.
The start of fall means family nights at USU football and basketball games! Best tradition EVER!
So, I couldn’t find the “I Did It” button that you said I was supposed to click once I added the Celebrate Family button to my blog.
We love to finally make our way outside in the Fall, after a blazing hot summer here in the desert.
I’ve got the blog button posted on two of my blogs! 🙂
Thanks, ladies!