Hello! I’m Heather Lynne from Raising Memories Blog where I share fun things parents can do with & for their children! If you visit my blog you’ll find tutorials for projects we’re working on, some of my photography, and lots of other fun stuff. I’m excited to be a part of Celebrating the Family 2011- I think it’s great that these ladies have put together a fabulous blogging event that focuses on something as crucial and important in our lives as our families and the things we learn through the proclamation on the family. This is the most important thing in my life!
The Family Home Evening idea I want to share with you today relates to the section of the proclamation that talks about the Plan of Salvation (or Plan of Happiness):
“In the premortal realm, spirit sons and daughters knew and worshiped God as their Eternal Father and accepted His plan by which His children could obtain a physical body and gain earthly experience to progress toward perfection and ultimately realize his or her divine destiny as an heir of eternal life. The divine plan of happiness enables family relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave. Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally.”
You can teach even young children about the basics of the Plan of Happiness. Here’s what we did with our 5 year old:
We made a poster out of construction paper (we all worked together as a family to cut out and glue together pieces).
It included:
– a circle to represent premortal life
– a circle to represent the earth
– a circle to represent the spirit world (we did two sides- spirit prison & spirit paradise)
– 2 simple stick people (our white one represents the spirit and the orange one represents the body)
– a star (to represent the telestial kingdom)
– a moon (to represent the terrestrial kingdom)
– a sun (to represent the celestial kingdom)
We rolled masking tape on the back of each piece and stuck them on the poster board as we discussed each step in the plan (and our little spirit & body moved through each step- sometimes together, sometimes apart).
This is a good way to help anyone to understand the basics of the plan. It’s also a good way to review and an opportunity to stop and discuss in more detail about different parts of the plan.
If you’re focussing on teaching about family relationships lasting beyond the grave, you can take a moment at the “earth” stage and talk about how the choices we make during our life can affect whether we get to be with our families forever. You can get into more detail about marriage in the Temple and baptism, etc.
Of course the depth of these discussions can be tailored to the ages and understanding level of those in your family. For example, I was able to have a discussion with my 2 year old recently about getting married in the temple (it was very basic and I pulled out our wedding album to show her pictures of us at the temple).
Song Suggestions:
Families Can Be Together Forever
I Am A Child of God
I Lived In Heaven
I Love to See The Temple
I hope you find this idea useful- I can’t wait to see the ideas you all link up!
Thanks so much Heather for the great FHE lesson idea to teach our children the plan of happiness!
Do you have any FHE lessons to share about any aspect of The Family: A Proclamation to the World? Share them with us! You can also share any blog posts you have written about the Proclamation
Today’s sponsors are the artists who created Nie Nie’s family motto star. Yup, pretty famous crafters!
See these beautiful hand crafted, stained glass stars from Piggy & Dirt? Today you have the opportunity to win a custom star that incorporates a phrase from the proclamation, or a scripture, or your family motto in the center like the one pictured below.
Visit Piggy & Dirt for more stunning stained glass art and jewelry!
© 2007-2011 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
This was a wonderful post and love your blog as well. This is perfect to teach the young ones I have now and what a great way to get them involved. Thank you so much.
What a simple but great FHE lesson! As my kids are getting older I find that we still need to go back and reinforce these basic teachings.
I love this idea. Thank you.
That was great. Thank you. I find as the kiddies get older, the more your teaching seems to “pay off”. My 6yo can now name almost every step of the Plan, and my olders know most of the extra steps.
It is so wonderful to see them learn and know you had a tiny part.
Great idea! We are doing something similar tonight for FHE!
Wonderful and simple… just the way I like it!
Awesome idea!
Isn’t it amazing to see what our little ones can retain when they’re taught with pictures? It’s always rewarding. Thanks for your simple lesson. 🙂
What a great lesson, thanks for sharing!
So much fun stuff on your blogs! Keep up the great work! It is such a huge help!
We can never teach this enough to our children. Love how this gets everyone involved. 🙂
This was a wonderful idea for the teaching in FHE the Plan of Salvation. I am going to send the links to my children.
Keep on enjoying those family moments!
I love the simplicity of it and how perfect it is for little ones! Thanks for sharing your ideas!
I love this! I always come to your website for fhe ideas 🙂