My next guest blogger has fully embraced the good of technology and she knows how to use it! Not like this cute couple. 🙂
Kathryn Skaggs has a very specific goal in everything and everywhere that she can be found on the Internet — which is “to DO MORE good” (tDMg). She enjoys promoting credible information to those who are seeking to learn more about Mormonism, to gain a better understanding of her faith.
Kathryn is passionate about her beliefs. You can find her blogging at A Well-Behaved Mormon Woman where she regularly shares thoughts about her religion, family and traditional marriage.
In being invited to participate in this wonderful event to celebrate The Family: A Proclamation to the World – and given the ability to choose my topic from a breakdown of the proclamation, for me, this was a no brainer. From the very day when I sat in that historic general Relief Society meeting, (broadcast) and heard President Gordon B. Hinckley first present and read that inspired document to the women of the Mormon Church, these are the specific words that resonated in the heart of this Well-Behaved Mormon Woman — and continue to do so every time I read it:
Well said, Kathryn!
Today’s giveaway!
FreshlyPainted is sponsoring this completely original painting of the Salt Lake Temple Doorknob with the words, “Holiness to the Lord”. Have you ever spent time to look at the doorknobs at the Temple? They are very beautiful and unique. One can’t help but think of the early pioneers and the dedication and love they had for the Salt Lake Temple when you look at all the beautiful details all over. This magnet measures 2.5” x 3.5”. Visit FreshlyPainted for more original freshly painted works of art!
Hank Smith, the guest blogger at The Red Headed Hostess today, is also giving away 3 copies of his CD, The Do’s and Don’ts of Dating. Drawing on some hilarious experiences from his own dating years, poignant stories of others, and the wise counsel of the prophets and other Church leaders, Brother Smith shares an important message that youth will relate to and appreciate.
© 2007-2011 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
I can really relate to the statement ‘the other side of raising teenagers.’ Even though raising a family is joyful, it is challenging. Also, I agree with your idea about adults seeking happiness to the detriment of a child’s happiness. When we choose to have children, we also choose to sacrifice for them even if that sacrifice is a bit of immediate gratification of supposed happiness.
Really great post, Kathryn. I think you’ve made the point right on. Thank you!
This is a great post. These things just don’t get said enough.
Thanks for sharing! The family is Absolutely, unequivocally ordained of God!!
Also, super excited to see my magnet up today!!
I 100% agree, marriage is hard work. As so much else in this world that is worth it. You could have a list of things that are hard and most of them come back to that wonderous blessing the Lord has given us, families…and it leads to Eternal Live if we but endure.
Beautiful post. Thank you for sharing.
Well said. Children can not choose what “heritage of family” they are given, but they can choose what heritage they give their children. All children are ENTITLED to a mother and father who honor their marriage covenants. I love how you put it!
So many of forget the family IS ordained of God. Great reminder, thank you!
Beautiful thoughts. Thanks for sharing
I loved this post. I have come to realize that marriage is hard work especially with kiddos
It’s so important to teach children, and remind ourselves that the Lord blesses us with the things we are entitled to based on our worthiness, and that in the case of families the consequences of that for good or bad can effect generations.
The simplicity of this message makes me marvel at how confused (corrupt?) our society is. Thank you so much for this message!
Great post on the importance of the family unit. Thank you! 🙂
Oh, man I just found out that I have been attempting to leave comments on all of these blog entries and that I needed to LOG IN for them to actually post. Doh. Anyway this post was a powerful blog post. I am grateful to be raising my children with the help of a loving spouse.
Wow, this part really stood out to me,
“Children do not have advocates. They are the recipients of the choices that adults make — and far too often these choices are based in selfishness. “
How different our world would be if people really realize that what we are ENTITLED to is family… no matter what our circumstances and that it is the WHOLE reason we are here on the earth. This was a really powerful reminder of that. Thank you.
I’m so glad that this post resonated with so many of you. I really enjoyed writing it. Thank you for taking the time to comment. : )
I loved this. I love that children need to learn that they have positive entitlements. Great post. I will have to check out your blog. Although the other side of teenagers worries me a tad. We are just entering that stage and have a long way to go.
I loved this post! Thank you!
Thank you for all the many things you shared that have caused me to think!
This was a great post on a very important topic. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Thank you so much for sharing! Great thoughts!