More simple pleasures I enjoy in autumn.

The Harvest Moon over the mountains to the east. I really like this glow!

My Pilgrims. My mother-in-law picked these up for me years ago from Costco. I love their humble clothes and offerings. What a great reminder of how our celebration should be: simple, not gluttonous.
Drinking this hot orange punch and eating homemade chicken noodle soup. YUM!!!
Other simple pleasures I enjoyed this week: twistable colored pencils, watching the first episode of Fires of Faith, getting a flat tire at home rather than in town!
What simple pleasures did you enjoy this week?
© 2007-2011 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
Does candy corn count? 🙂
I love the harvest moon. Especially when it’s low and orange.
We watched Fires of Faith as a family, and it’s amazing how much we take for granted having the scriptures at our fingertips. Can’t wait for the next one!
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That picture of the moon is incredible.
My simple pleasure this autumn has been baking. We don’t have a/c so in the summer baking is off the table, and I miss it. Being able to bake almost makes up for the incessant rain. Almost.
I like your pilgrims! And we loved Fires of Faith too.
Thanks for sharing some of your simple pleasures. I started to watch Fires of Faith also; and it was awesome.
Homemade Chicken Noodle soup sounds so good right now.
Blessings to you and keep on enjoying your journey.
A wonderful pleasure was arriving home safely after driving through the Nevada desert on our way home from Utah to CA this week. We had a large semi cut us off; a male and female deer walk out in front of us; and a REALLY strange man in the Rest Area follow me to the ladies room. The hairs on my neck stood up. Luckily, my husband felt it too and came out of his men’s room to see if I was OK and the guy went into the men’s room and started talking about “perverted men able to look into the womens’rest room window” Ugh! We called 911 on him because we both had a bad feeling about this dude!
After reading your post today I HAD to make your chicken noodle soup. I didn’t go as far as making the noodles, but used noodles I already had. Thank you for such a yummy recipe. I am ready for fall now with such a delicious recipe at my fingertips.
My boys begged me to get a photo of the harvest moon a week ago. I still haven’t figured out the night settings for my camera though – but I love that you were able to capture it!