My son has been counting the days until his birthday. For him it is important. He wants to reach the magical age of five.
My 11 year old daughter counts her money. She is trying to earn enough to buy a skirt she wants.
When we get in the van to go anywhere I count heads. I want to make sure we haven’t forgotten anyone!
Why do we apply numbers to things? Why do we count? As humans it is easier to deal in finite terms. We like to have a concrete “something” to show for our time, for our efforts.
Counting also helps us to focus. I have a teacher friend that uses this to her advantage. When it is her turn to teach at church she wears a dress or skirt with lots of buttons or a necklace containing many beads. Inevitably there will be a child who causes a disruption that could very easily ruin the learning for the rest of the children. She will call on that child to come up and help her count the buttons or beads. Of course the other children are counting too to make sure it is right. And pretty soon they are all focused again on her.
When we count our blessings our focus changes from what we don’t have to what we do. It allows us to see what God has given to us. The chorus to one of our hymns states:
Name them one by one.
Count your many blessings;
See what God hath done.”
Counting our blessings also helps change our perspective. I love how Lara, from Overstuffed elaborated on this change of perspective. Please go and read it! Her real life example is something we can all apply to our own lives.
One other thought I had while typing up this post came because of the first verse of the hymn I mentioned earlier. How many of us like surprise parties? I LOVE them! I love seeing how how the recipient of the surprise reacts. Have you ever had a surprise party thrown for you?
How about throwing your own surprise party? You can do it. How? By counting your blessings of course!
When you start feeling a pity party coming on change it into a surprise party. You will feel so much better!

#235 bubbles on soft baby lips
#236 vacuum lines in the carpet
#237 a husband’s wink
#238 a child’s whispered prayer
#239 a heavenly voice singing “O, Divine Redeemer”
#240 freedom of expression
#241 cinnamon spiced wassail
The preceeding list is a snippet of my blessings written earlier this week. My list of blessing is growing! (Idea taken from Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts)
How about you? What are some of the things you are thankful for? What are some blessings obvious or in disguise, you have noticed in your life? Feel free to link to a post you have written. Or answer in the comments.
© 2007-2011 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
Love this– I have been thinking a lot about this throughout this past week. It’s amazing what a shift in perspective can make. When we remember all of our blessings, it really changes how we approach our day.
What a wonderful and fitting way to start the month of November! 😀
Thanks for doing this… and great post!
Corine 😀
I love a wink from my husband, too:)
Sorry about the double link in the blog hop. Technical difficulties…
A newly two year old daughter who stands in front of the music stand and “sings” by holding her mouth open and making various sounds. She’s so very proud of herself.
A son who cuddles and comforts his younger sister.
A son who discovers he’s pretty good at this math stuff, after all.
A husband who takes cranky toddlers for walks.
And that’s just today!
Oooh, that’s a great idea that your teacher friend uses! I’ll have to remember that one!
Thank you for this post. I am excited to begin a list of my own. And thank you very much for reminding me of “O Divine Redeemer”. I haven’t heard that in quite some time and I LOVE it!
I love the idea of actually writing a permanant list. I have often written thankful posts, but having that list would be wonderful. I am going to sit down and write it out.
Such a good reminder about focusing on God instead of ourselves. Beautiful hymn. And such a precious baby:) Enjoyed visiting today. Blessings to you and yours.