The winner of the giveaway is announced at the bottom of this post. 🙂
Have you read through the comments from the Abide With Me CD giveaway? The stories behind why certain hymns are your favorite were delightful to read. Music is so intertwined in our lives. I am certain one reason is because when we are filled with gratitude to God “how can I keep from singing?” We can’t! It is part of our nature whether we can carry a tune or not to break out in songs of praise.
I believe it is another way the Lord provided for His children to turn to Him: in times of need, in times of gratitude, in times of sorrow, in times of joy. The words of hymns combined with the melody reach to our very souls, touching us deeply, teaching us the truths that God does care, that He is there.
I thought I’d share videos of my favorite renditions of the most “favored” hymns from the comments of the giveaway.
The one most mentioned was Be Still, My Soul. Of this hymn Fran stated, “It’s beautiful and the third verse especially reminds me of my daughter, who is an angel in heaven. It reminds me that although we have this pain and sorrow here on earth, one day “we shall meet at last” and be united together eternally.”
And Shaie responded, “I love the peace and hope it gives a troubled heart and the importance of allowing the Savior to be our guide.”
Enjoy this version by the boys’ choir Libera
Lead, Kindly Light came in second. Lisa remembered, “When serving a mission in Germany, a group of us were invited to sing this in an old cathedral. The acoustics were fabulous and the Spirit was so strong! Great memories.”
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing, Abide With Me, and I Believe in Christ tied for third. Brandy replied, “I really enjoy Come Thou Fount. First, it reminds me how indebted to the Lord I am and that without him I would wander. And second, the melody is just simple and beautiful. A song that you remember with an uplifting message.”
Mr. Ferrero Rocher loves this version of Amazing Grace by Judy Collins. She has such a pure, clear voice.
And finally I just love this version of Count Your Blessings. It is different and happy! Click on that link, scroll to the second album and click on Count Your Blessings to listen to it.
And now for the winner of the giveaway!
And who is commenter #62?
Erin, looks like random generator listened to your plea!
© 2007-2011 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
I love Amazing Grace (as I said before) so I find new arrangements all the time. I love that one above. Has your hubby heard the one from Il Divo ( I tell my boys that opera needs to listened to loud enough that you can feel it in your bones! (or in your heart…where you feel as if you can feel it over your skin!)
Or how about the new one from Chris Tomlin ( my favorite part of this one is the hymn worked into the song, this version is different than the one from itunes…so there maybe different ones. (this one looks like it is from a movie…)
Anyway, I thought you might like to check these out.
I adore Libera. And especially that song. When I was getting a tubal ligation in 2009, I was lying in the hospital bed shaking because I was so terrified (this was pre-surgery.) That song came up on my iPod and my fears just melted away. It was an amazing experience.