I think I’ve been agonizing too much over what to write for an about me page. Consequently I’ve been putting it off. Now I have forced myself to sit and write until it is done, using an old post for inspiration.

Who am I?
I am…
. . . a baby when I hold a newborn babe and try to see the world through fresh eyes
. . . . a child playing kickball with my daughters and rolling down our grassy hill giggling the whole way
. . . . spoiled listening to my father play his guitar every night of my childhood. Dan Fogelberg’s “Leader of the Band,” The Beatles’ “Blackbird,” and Eric Clapton’s “Hey, Hey” serenade me to sleep
. . . 15, the youngest freshman at Ricks College in the fall of 1993
. . . . a young bride, one month after turning seventeen, posing for pictures in front of the Salt Lake Temple where I was married.
. . . . a first-time mother, one month before my eighteenth birthday, cuddling my daughter
. . . . a recipient of many kind acts of service – some big, some small, all appreciated
. . . . terrible at keeping my house clean. It’s more fun to do other things
. . . . a daughter still calling my mom for advice and to tell her all my joys and sorrows
. . . . a milly said, unintentionally talking in spoonerisms at least twice a day
. . . . a reader filling extra time with words from a page
. . . . silly as I dance and sing around the kitchen everyday just to see my children roll their eyes – then I catch them doing the same thing later
. . . . musical. Playing the piano calms me, listening to oratorios swells me, singing soothes me.
. . . . not an animal person. Chickens and a dog are about all I can handle – unless we have a horse (ours died a couple of years ago). I like horses.
. . . . a homeschooling mother of ten with too little time, too little time
. . . . impatient
. . . . a chocoholic and lover of potatoes cooked-all-kinds-of-ways
. . . . 36 and have been married half my life to the best husband and father a girl could dream of
. . . . cheerful (most of the time) much to the dismay of my pessimistic friends
. . . . a Scrabble playing maniac
. . . . a jeans and t-shirt kind of gal – except for when I’m pregnant then I prefer cool, breezy skirts
. . . . faithful and faith filled
. . . . a steward over the children who God has trustingly placed into my care
. . . ancient. The blood of my ancestors – women of faith, humility, strength, fortitude, and wisdom – courses through my veins
. . . . a giver. My life has been a very blessed one. My wise parents provided me with many opportunities for growth and discovery of talents. But they also taught, “where much is given much is required.” (Doctrine and Covenants 82:3) Meaning, the Lord has blessed me with these talents so I can be an instrument in His hands to serve others – whether it be my husband, my children, friends, or anyone else whose paths I cross
. . . . me.
I wonder if we ever walked by each other that Freshman year @ Ricks. Thank you for the inspiration that you bring to me. You are an amazing woman!
You are an inspirational lady! It’s fun to get to know people and see a little bit of their lives! Thanks for sharing!
That’s a great about me page, if I do say so!! You are a good woman! And a brave one!
I like it!
You should have told me! I could have written a little something up for you in a snap.
Take this down…
“I am one of the kindest, most down to earth people my friends know. I always look on the bright side. I am quick to laugh and I am extremely generous with my time and resources. Sharing with and encouraging others are some of my best talents. I am happy to help whenever I can. I am Montse.”
I guess that wouldn’t sound very humble actually coming from you…and since you are humble, you’d never be caught saying it, BUT!…
…I have no problem saying it for you. 😉
i love all the songs you were serenaded to as a daughter. You are also fun to read, and very knowledgeable.
This is fabulous and really makes me wish we were neighbors! I was thinking the other day about how grateful I am for my cyber friends, but I do hope we have the chance to meet in person again someday.
ps Isaac did have breast-milk jaundice. Never heard of it before, But reading about your experience and seeing you come through just fine, really helped me a lot. Thank you!
I love this!
This is beautiful! It brought tears to my eyes.
Would love to hear the love story of you and Mr. Rocher, and how you came together!
Oops, I commented under my husband’s account! hehehe 🙂
Wow! I’m glad to get to know you better. I enjoy reading your blog!
What fun! I even learned a few new things. I realized the other day I have been reading your blog for over 4 years now! 🙂
For date night DH and I often play Scrabble. Have you tried the new ones? There is Gardening Scrabble and Cooking Scrabble…they are pretty fun. Mixes up the game somewhat.
I love that we have so much in common. I look forward to the day when we can actually meet…I just hope it is in this life! 🙂
Thank you for writing such a touching and personal post.
This was awesome. Great information.
17? Holy smokes!!! I wish I could have joined my eternal companion that young, but he would have been 14 and that just wouldn’t have worked. I didn’t get to marry him until I was 27. I did a lot of cool stuff, but sure wish we could have found each other sooner.
Love you girl.
PS. Way too much fun stuff to stop and make time to clean. totally get this.
Well done! And hits all the important parts 🙂
I’ve always wondered how old you were.. and how old when you got married (you looked young 😉 and were your parents ok with this?? my parents freaked that I was engaged at 19 and married at 20.. lol (though my mum says now it was because I was the oldest and first to leave the house, it was hard to let go…)
I would love to hear about going to university so young and do you think this impacted getting married so young?? did you feel older since you were out and looking after yourself… and did people feel it a waste of your apparent smart brains/potential careers?? (motherhood is no waste.. but you know.. people out there in the world..)
so interesting you are!
I feel your pain. I have been trying to write an about me page for almost 6 months. I thought it would be easy to write about myself but it is hard to figure out how to do it with out sounding like a peacock. I like how you did yours! It gives me some good ideas, and maybe one of these days I’ll actually finish my page 😉
fun read…thanks for sharing! Love your FHE lessons you share;)
Oh my! I’m older than you! I had no idea! Your children make you so mature and wise, I guess! We must have been at Ricks at the same time — I came in 1994.
So fun to learn a little about you ~ you are an amazing woman!!!
Thank you! It was wonderful to find your site! I am 35 and expecting my 10th baby. We are LDS and homeschool our precious children as well. It’s been hard to find anyone doing what we do (LDS, homeschool and large family!). It’s very rare in our area. Thank you for opening your lives up to everyone :-). P.S. I’d be happy to share our family’s website with you if you are interested :-). Hugs!
I’d love to read more about your family! You can send the link to my e-mail chocolateonmycranium {at} live {dot} com. Have you checked out Latter-day Homeschooling? There are several of us with larger families there as well. 🙂
I, too am an LDS homeschooling mother of ten… boys!!! I have so much in common with you. Unfortunately, I just lost my husband of 25 years this past month (his funeral was yesterday). I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog when I was looking for a DIY fabric wallet tutorial. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for your creativity and time spent sharing with the rest of us!
I am a Primary teacher of 9 yr olds and was looking for something creative on the Title of Liberty—thank you—can’t wait to see more from you!
You are amazing and very clever—-thank you for taking the time to share it all with us! I am a Primary teacher of nine yr olds and was looking for ideas on the Title of Liberty…..I so much appreciate the help from your blog! I’m also going to check into LDS homeschooling for my daughter…..and….I’m going to go eat some chocolate..check!
i got a kick out of how you gave all the members of your family a confectionery name. is white chocolate really fake?? *grin*
I’m not sure if you’ve received this invite to join the Book of Mormon Blogger program. We just opened it up to include all LDS bloggers! Email me at ladies@oneshetwoshe.com and I’ll send you all the information.
Mariel @ Or so she says…
You have a beautiful family! I found your site by searching for a crayon roll. I can’t wait to make one. I look forward to anything else you make or write. You are truly amazing! Life is too short…don’t worry about the housework, it will wait for you! Just enjoy those beautiful children God blessed you with!
I found your site when searching homeschooling ideas. I am so glad I did. What a blessing. I am excited to read your past blogs. I am desperate to find ways to teach my 14yr old 8th grader who we had to bring home from public school. It’s so encouraging to read posts by people who are of the same faith as me. Thanks. I will be reading and watching.
Wow! I am having a flashback! I was at Ricks College in 1994 and I think my roommate, Tammy H. introduced you to me! Were you engaged by the fall of 1994 and does your real name start with an “M”? (If I remember right) If that is you then I have remembered you all these years because-I am now a home schooling mother of 7 children! A different friend of mine sent me the link to your post “Have I Done Any Good” and it was wonderful. Thank you so much!
Yes! We got married in December of 1994. How fun to make that connection. And now my oldest is experiencing her first semester up there and loving it.
Hi Cocoa,
I recently published a book through Cedar Fort titled “Mormon Origami.” It contains 25 different LDS themed paper folding designs that can be used by parents and teachers. I was wondering if you would be interested in writing a book review on it in exchange for my sending you a free copy. Thanks for your time.
Todd Huisken
Sure, Todd! Email me at chocolateonmycranium {at} live.com. I have a couple of daughters that are really into origami right now and already excited just seeing the cover of your book. (We googled it)
My name is Emily and I am starting a new website called “Share the Miracles”. Its a project inspired form my own battle with ovarian cancer. On the website we share a bunch of inspiring stories about how God has helped, empowered and guided us throughout life. We have stories about everything parenthood, miscarriage, daily miracles, health and sickness… you name it! I’m an contacting all the LDS blogs I can find because I know you all have so much to share!
We will of course properly site and link any story sent to us to your blog, hopefully directing more viewers to your blog. We will be launching June 14th. If you’d like to share go ahead and email us at sharethemiracles@gmail.com
Thank you and many blessings!
Thank you so much for this site. You are now “starred”. I am a Mormon. I just began homeschooling this year. I have a 9, 7, 5, and crazy 2 year old. I would say most days I want to pull my hair out. I just read your advice and it was such a relief. I have felt like I have to get everything done and I am so hard on myself when I don’t. And so, my year hasn’t felt so successful. I appreciate you being here late at night and finding me to give me a “hug”. I will appreciate my babies and myself more. I will not give up (as I was about to abandon ship). I will try to find more me time as well. God Bless You.
You may want to look at The Family School–an LDS home school curriculum created by and for LDS home schoolers. IT’s awesome. See latterdaylearning.org. Good luck to you on your journey. I have 7 children and have home schooled for many years. Sometimes it feels impossible, but it is so worth it.