Simple Pleasure Thursdays are a time to share some simple thing that brought pleasure and happiness to your life this week. It helps to brighten our outlook on life to realize there are many small things each day that are meant to bring us happiness if we just look.
We spent an evening together as a family watching this terrific movie

and eating chocolate quickies.

Simple, Fun, Enjoyable.
What simple pleasures did you enjoy this week?
© 2007-2011 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
Okay– I think I must be the only person in the universe who did not dig that movie. The message was REALLY great and I appreciated it–but it was just so religious in a way that made me uncomfortable. It’s filmed 1/2 hour from my hubby’s family farm and the church-preaching-attitude hit a little too close to home to my hubby who grew up in the Bible Belt.
Gosh– am I gonna get some hater comments now?
It brought back so many memories of good ol’ Georgia! My husband served part of his mission in Albany (even attended church in the one pictured at the end of the film) so he was watching to see what he could recognize.
We live in the Bible belt and loved it! Sorry Carrie 😉 I found it very inspiring.
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We loved that movie…in fact I just blogged about it! Those cookies look yummy!
Is that movie really not bad with violence, etc.? I generally don’t see PG-13 movies so I haven’t given this one a chance yet. Is it more for adults and not kids?
We thought it was fine. It was the first time we watched it and we watched with our kids. Having said that every family is different and what I might consider not bad you might! I always go to Kids-In-Mind to see a detailed explanation of what is contained in the movie we want to see.
They rate for sex/nudity, violence/gore, and profanity and then give detailed explanations of why the rating. You can read the descriptions for Courageous here:
Hope that helps! is another good place to check for movie/ tv information. We use it all the time. Thanks for the great movie idea. We played Kids Trivial Pursuit last night and laughed ourselves silly.
My mom is in town and my sister and her husband are staying with us for the next few days before they move across the country, so last night we played some fun games (Trigger and 7-Wonders)
I was born and raised in the bible belt, and I was always impressed with my evangelical friends’ courage in proclaiming Christ (and most of them were sincere about it – in fact, I think the boldest ones were the most sincere). They were a great example to me about not being ashamed of the gospel, and because of them, I am not afraid to share my beliefs.
I loved Fireproof, and I am excited to watch Courageous.
And those cookies do look num num. we just might have to make some!
We just watched that last weekend as a family…loved it! Thanks for sharing the kids in mind website. I am really picky about what we watch and it is hard to find a good way to judge what is appropriate or not. I just love your blog. You are an inspiration to me. I am always trying to find other mormon mommys who blog about their homeschooling adventures and I just really enjoy reading about your day to day life.
Our family just watched Courageous as well. Wasn’t that a great story? I also LOVE Fireproof! Other simple pleasures… chocolate. Yum! And, my husband just fixed a mountain bike so I got to start biking again (after many years… :o); I’m so excited! 😀
I seriously loved that movie. It was great. I always love it when I can find a NOT trashy show to share with the kids.
I got a lot of questions about drugs and bad guys, so it was a good conversation starter.