Watch the video for a special announcement!
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We are already in the planning stages for this year’s Family Proclamation Celebration. One of our projects that we would like to do is gather video submissions from men, women, and children throughout the world reading parts of The Family: A Proclamation to the World and then splicing them together to create a video about the Proclamation! We welcome submissions in your native language and Sign Language.
Video Guidelines:
5. Video submission deadline is March 31st!
6. In submitting your video you give us permission to use it in our project. Please be aware that not all videos will be used.
If sharing through twitter please also include the hashtags #celebratefamily and #familyproclamation and link to
Here is a sample tweet: “Call for video submissions saying parts of the #familyproclamation Find out more at Help #celebratefamily”
Please use these buttons on your blog to help spread the word! They are linked to the Family Proclamation page on my blog that will contain this whole post as well as updates or announcements for the upcoming celebration in September. There are also links to all the posts from past celebrations. A big thank you to my friend, Misty, for creating this beautiful buttons for us!
large 400 px button {for use in posts}

medium 180 px button

small 150 px button

© 2007-2011 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
So neat! I’m excited to see the finished product. Thank YOU for all the work you do for families and bringing people together.
Nice work, Montserrat…very thorough and fun to see you vlogging! 🙂 You look great!
OOoh, I love how you wrapped it up! What a powerful testimony! I hope everyone watches to the end, because it’s great!
Wonderful video. (I have never been brave enough to vlog!)
I am super excited to see the finished project. One of my favorite mormon messages is the one of “I am a Child of God” where each line is sung by someone different. So touching and beautiful. I love the idea and look forward to seeing your finished product. (and look forward to the celebration – I love it each year!)
Testimonies are so important and beautiful, thank you for sharing yours.
Yay! This looks like fun! This would make a really neat family home evening activity (recording snippets for the video)! Can’t wait to see the finished product!
yay! you said australia! theey’re gonna love our accent.. lol.(might still need subtitles for us aussies and new zealanders .. ha hahaha)
What a great project! I am so excited to participate. I am glad I can do it in Spanish! Just this week I am focusing a lot in the Proclamation, and this just came in the right time! Thanks!!!!
That is such a great idea! Just this week I was focusing a lot in studying the Proclamation, and this came in the right time! I am glad I can do it in Spanish. Thanks!!!
This promises to be an awesome project. I look forward to seeing it. Have fun.