Usually we do a Names of Christ unit study at Christmastime. This year I decided to incorporate it into our countdown to Easter. I designed this little booklet for my children (the younger ones) to use as we study. {The older ones are using these books from the Redheaded Hostess.} There is a page for each name covered in The Living Christ: A 30 day Easter Countdown. There are also seven blank pages for other names of Christ you may want to study.

Each page has a place for a small picture of Jesus.

Those pictures are included in the pdf file. They are paintings by such artists as Heinrich Hofman, James Tissot, and Carl Bloch.

There is a spot to write down scripture references, the meaning of the name, as well as what that name teaches us about Jesus Christ. {This one is Cookie’s book}
Here is the file:
Names of Christ Booklet PDF
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Printing instructions:
Print the cover page by itself.
Print pages 2-11 back-to-back. This will put the names in the same order as they are discussed in the countdown. So print pages 2-3 back-to-back, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11.
Print one copy for each person of the picture page. There are 21 pictures but only 20 pages so you will have an extra picture left over. We opted for cutting and pasting but you can print the last page on sticker paper.
Assembling the booklet:

Put all pages in order including the cover and fold in half. All the pink you see on the page is actually light gray in the pdf file. Our printer fell off the table {don’t ask!} and now won’t print colors correctly.

Punch three holes down the left side.

Cut about a 20 inch piece of twine or ribbon and thread through the middle hole first, up to the top, back down to the middle, down to the bottom, then back up to the middle. Tie

The inside center should look like this.

Use and enjoy!
thanks! what a beautiful booklet! I am making one for my sister in law, because she really struggles with feeling like she is accomplishing much with her scripture study. Thanks for all that you do.
This is beautiful!!! And not just for kids. ;). Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
These are really really awesome! I think Christ sometimes take the backseat at Easter time. This is perfect for me and my family to direct our Easter focus on Christ. Thank you.
I am having a HECK of a time printing these! When I try to print the pages back to back, the “back” page always prints upside down! I’ve never had this problem before. Let me try turning on the preview and see if that helps.
I’m sorry Becky! My printer does back-to-back printing and it worked fine on mine. All printers are different though. I know I tried printing off a back-to-back printable from another website for homeschooling stuff. It was configured with every other page upside down because that was how their printed worked and it took me a few tries to figure out how to flip each page to print correctly on the back with my printer.
Hopefully you can get it figured out soon!
I love it but can’t figure out how to download it.
When you get to the download page click on the big blue “download now” button. Then 4shared makes you wait about 20 seconds before a “download file now” button comes up. Click on it and it should download to your computer.
Yup, it worked! Beautiful.
I got it, I had to go into the printer properties and deselect “keep original layout”, then my computer told me not to turn around the paper after the first side was not printing. So, that was weird. But I got it. It wouldn’t even work right if I tried to just print the odd pages and print on the other side, making sure to flip the paper the right way. The pages would flip somehow and print upside down! hahaha. It was weird.
Yay! Glad you finally got it!
Lovely idea but I’m not comfortable downloading the 4 Sync. Is it possible to have a regular pdf file to open like your Christmas one ? Thanks, and sorry for being difficult ! I downloaded 4 Sync before and didn’t like it at all.
I agree w/ Katie… I would love to have this, but I’m not comfortable downloading 4sync…
It is NOT 4sync. It is 4Shared which is entirely different than 4sync.
You can also download the file at Sugardoodle. She hosts her own files so it will open directly and you won’t have to download from 4shared.
What a wonderful site you’ve created! I’ve been searching for something like this for a long time! I just wanted to share my little contribution to the LDS community. I’m creating lap/quiet books for each month that follow the Sharing Time theme. I’m sharing them at GospelLearningOnYourLap.wordpress.com
I hope you will check them out and help me share them with others.
This is so beautiful! I’m very excited to introduce this booklet to everyone at FHE tonight, Thank you so much for sharing your talents!
I don’t think I can sufficiently thank you for all of the materials and resources you offer the public through this blog–it has been an answer to my prayers. I am a young, freshly begun homeschooling mom, and I look to women like you as an example and guide. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Bless you for holding up your light and for being a mother who knows. I hope you and yours enjoy a beautiful Easter.
Thanks so much! I recently acquired a colour printer and this is the first project I’ve used it for. Hurray! My 8 year old is fizzing with excitement as she studies her scriptures.
Amazing!!! Thanks a million.
Thank you, this is amazing!
I love it! Thank you SO much for sharing this beautiful booklet and idea.
This is really neat! I’m getting ready right now to do your Easter countdown this March. I’m printing your Names of Christ booklet and the tags for the Easter tree. Thank you for sharing all of this! It’s amazing.