For 2024 start on March 1 {to end the day before Easter} or March 02 {to end on Easter}
Easter is one of the most spiritual and beautiful holidays! To celebrate the atonement and resurrection of Jesus Christ and what it means in our lives is truly to reflect on the whole purpose of why we are here and on HE who makes it possible for us to be redeemed from our sins.
This 30 day countdown to Easter utilizes The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles. Each day focuses on a portion of that document – either a sentence or a paragraph. Many names by which Christ is known are included in The Living Christ, consequently there are also days of the countdown that focus on a name given. Hopefully this will aid in understanding many of the characteristics of Jesus Christ and how we can try to be more like Him in our daily lives.
As part of our countdown we also did many activities with our children. Links to those activities can be found at the bottom of this post. Not only are there links to activities but there are also links to The Life of Jesus Christ Bible Videos the church has produced. This page will continually be updated as more videos are released. These add greatly to this countdown and are a valuable addition in teaching your children about Jesus Christ.
The pdf file is ordered as follows: the days of the countdown with daily devotional ideas, tags to cut out and display on an Easter tree, also included are all of the artwork or paintings first in small scale (for you to create your own tags) and also in large scale (to use as an art study). The paintings and artwork I chose are, for the most part, part of the public domain. Most were found at wikimedia.
My hope is that your testimony and those of your children in the Savior, Jesus Christ, will grow as you focus more on Him this Easter season.
Here is an example from the pdf file so you can see what a daily devotional looks like:
Day Ten: His great atoning sacrifice
From the Living Christ: “He instituted the sacrament as a reminder of His great atoning sacrifice. . . He gave His life to atone for the sins of all mankind. His was a great vicarious gift in behalf of all who would ever live upon the earth.”
Song: To Think about Jesus, Children’s Songbook pg 71 or your favorite Sacrament Hymn
Scripture Reading: Matthew 26:36–46; Mark 14:32–42; Luke 22:39–46; John 3:16; D&C 19:15–18
“In Gethsemane and on Calvary, He worked out the infinite and eternal atonement. It was the greatest single act of love in recorded history. Thus He became our Redeemer—redeeming all of us from physical death, and redeeming those of us from spiritual death who will obey the laws and ordinances of the gospel”
(TheTeachings of Ezra Taft Benson [1988], 14)
Discussion Questions:
- Why was Jesus willing to submit to the great suffering he knew he would experience in theGarden of Gethsemane?
- What can we learn from the Savior’s prayer in Gethsemane?
- How have you been blessed as you have submitted to Heavenly Father’s will?
- What did the Savior experience in Gethsemane?
- For whom did Jesus suffer in the Garden of Gethsemane?
- What is the atonement? (The Atonement—Jesus Christ’s voluntary act of taking upon himself death and the sins and infirmities of all mankind. It is important to remember that the Atonement included the Savior’s suffering both in the garden and on the cross.)
Additional Readings for Teens and Adults: The Mediator by Boyd K. Packer; The Atonement Can Clean,Reclaim, and Sanctify Our Lives by Elder Shayne M. Bowen
Enjoy a more Christ-centered focus this Easter season! This is a large file so it will take a while to download.
If, for some reason, you can’t download the file you can access a copy of it here: The Living Christ: A 30 Day Easter Countdown.
You’ll notice that several of the tags have the same number. For those days I thought that having two (or three) pictures better clarified the scriptures and doctrinal concepts being taught and discussed.
Additional activities and resources for each day:
Day 1:The Birth of Jesus Christ
The Birth of Jesus Christ
NEW: Nativity Figures and Facts – A matching game with facts about the Nativity.
NEW: Read the poem “Welcome, Jesus” . We can welcome the Savior into our lives by following His example. Have each family member write down ways they have tried to be like Jesus or things they will do to become more like Him. Place the papers in a gift bag and display it where everyone will be reminded to “welcome Jesus” this season.
The Nativity Story – An illustrated retelling of the story of the birth of Jesus Christ.
The Nativity – flannel board figures
Jesus is Born – A retelling of the story of Christ’s birth for small children.
Jesus Christ is Born – coloring page
Bible Video: An Angel Foretells of Christ’s Birth to Mary
Bible Video: Shepherds Learn of the Birth of Christ
Bible Video: Glad Tidings of Great Joy: The Birth of Jesus Christ
Day 2: Jehovah
Stories of Jehovah
Names of Christ Ornaments
Names of Christ Study Booklet
Day 3: Messiah
NEW: Let’s Give Him a Handel – Read a short article then fill in the blanks in these sentences from Handel’s Messiah using Bible verses.
Handel’s Messiah from NPR
Bible Video: Jesus Declares He Is the Messiah
Names of Christ Ornaments
Names of Christ Study Booklet
Day 4: Creator
NEW: The Earth Was Created for You! – Find the words from each day of the Creation in this word search.
NEW: The Creation – A retelling for young children about the creation of the world.
Salt Dough Earth
Video: For the Beauty of the Earth – the Tabernacle Choir Sings this hymn while beautiful scenes from nature are shown
Names of Christ Ornaments
Names of Christ Study Booklet
Day 5: He was the creator of the earth
Activity: He was the creator of the earth – Two projects, one for younger kids, one fore older children, to help them learn the days of creation.
Activity: Jesus Christ Created the Earth for Me – coloring page
Activity: Jesus Christ Created the Earth – coloring page
Activity: I am part of a beautiful world – coloring page
Activity: Enjoy God’s beautiful creations – coloring page
Music Study: Haydn – The Creation {oratorio}
Day 6: The baptism of Jesus Christ.
Activity: Jesus Christ was Baptized
Activity: John Baptizes Jesus – scripture figures
Activity: The Baptism of Jesus – flannel board figures and story
Activity: Jesus Christ is Baptized – coloring page
Article: Jesus was Baptized – A retelling for young children about the baptism of Jesus.
Bible Video: The Baptism of Jesus
Day 7: The Miracles of Christ
Activity: The Miracles of Jesus
Activity: The Miracle – Learn this song about the miracles of Jesus
Activity – Jesus Loves Me – Match the pictures with some of the ways Jesus healed people
Activity – Many Mighty Miracles – Match the scripture references with the pictures of Christ’s miracles. Includes a summary of the story of Jesus and Lazarus.
Activity – Jesus Calms the Tempest – coloring page
Activity – Jesus Heals a Man Taken with Palsy – coloring page
Activity – Jesus Raises the Daughter of Jairus – coloring page
Activity – Jesus Heals Two Blind Men – coloring page
Activity – Jesus Heals the Sick – scripture figures
Article – Jesus Calms the Tempest – Jesus calms a terrible storm. For young readers
Article – Jesus Heals a Sick Man – The story of Christ healing a sick man lowered through the roof by his friends. For young readers.
Bible Video: Jesus Turns Water Into Wine
Bible Video: Jesus Raises the Daughter of Jairus
Bible Video: Jesus Heals a Woman of Faith
Bible Video: Jesus Forgives Sins and Heals a Man Stricken with Palsy
Bible Video: Jesus Heals a Possessed Man
Day 8: Jesus Taught the Truths of Eternity
Activity: Jesus Taught the Truths of Eternity
Activity: The Lord’s Prayer – President Henry B. Eyring explains the different parts of the Lord’s Prayer. Includes instructions for making a simple prayer mobile.
Activity – The Wise Man and the Foolish Man – New Testament Scripture figures
Activity – I Can Pray – action rhyme
Bible Video: Jesus Teaches a Samaritan Woman
Bible Video: Jesus Teaches About the Widow’s Mite
Bible Video: The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Bible Video: Jesus Teaches of Being Born Again
Bible Video: Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes
Bible Video: Sermon on the Mount: The Higher Law
Bible Video: Sermon on the Mount: The Lord’s Prayer
Bible Video: Sermon on the Mount: Treasures in Heaven
Day 9: He Instituted the Sacrament
Activity: He Instituted the Sacrament
Bible Video: The Last Supper
Day 10: His great atoning sacrifice
Activity: The Atonement
Bible Video: The Savior Suffers in Gethsemane
Day 11: The Betrayal and Trial of Jesus Christ
Activity: Betrayal and Trial of Jesus
Bible Video: Jesus is Tried by Caiaphas; Peter Denies Knowing Him
Bible Video: Jesus is Condemned Before Pilate
Day 12: Calvary’s Cross
Activity: Calvary’s Cross
Activity: Calvary’s Hill or Empty Tomb Garden {start two weeks before Easter}
Bible Video: Jesus is Scourged and Crucified
Day 13: Firstborn
Names of Christ Ornaments
Names of Christ Study Booklet
Day 14: Only Begotten Son
Names of Christ Ornaments
Names of Christ Study Booklet
Sun Light Catchers
Day 15: Redeemer
Day 16: The Risen Lord
Activity: The Risen Lord
Activity: Calvary’s Hill or Empty Tomb Garden {start two weeks before Easter}
Bible Video: Jesus is Laid in a Tomb
Bible Video: Jesus is Resurrected
Bible Video: He is Risen
Day 17: Good Shepherd
Names of Christ Ornaments
Names of Christ Study Booklet
Day 18: His other Sheep
Activity: His Other Sheep
Day 19: Alpha & Omega
Names of Christ Ornaments
Names of Christ Study Booklet
Day 20: Advocate
Names of Christ Ornaments
Names of Christ Study Booklet
Bible Video: Jesus Offers the Intercessory Prayer
Day 21: I am the First and the Last
The First and the Last Funstuf Activity
Day 22: Chief Cornerstone
Read Different Walls, Same Foundation
Names of Christ Study Booklet
Day 23: His Priesthood and Church are Restored
Activity: Apostasy Cups {teaching about the apostasy and restoration}
Day 24: Joseph Smith’s Testimony; Testimony of the Apostles
Activity: Testimony of the Apostles
Day 25: King of Kings
Names of Christ Ornaments
Names of Christ Study Booklet
Bible Video: The Lord’s Truimphal Entry into Jerusalem
Day 26: Lord of Lords
Names of Christ Ornaments
Names of Christ Study Booklet
Day 27: The Second Coming
Activity: The Second Coming
Day 28: Judgment
Activity: Judgment
Day 29: Immanuel
Names of Christ Ornaments
Names of Christ Study Booklet
Day 30: Jesus is the Living Christ
Bible Video: Jesus is Resurrected
Bible Video: For God So Loved the World
Bible Video: To This End Was I Born
thank you! this is great! and we do an easter tree. One note as I only have a b&w printer, when I printed out the tags, the lovely shape of the tag, outline etc did not print out- Just the pictures, the number and the words. I’ll work around it but thought you might be interested in knowing.
This will be wonderful for my family. Thank you so much for sharing your work with others. We have never done an Easter countdown before and I am so excited in bringing more of Christ into our month. THANKS!
This is really cool. Thank you! My children and I spent the last few months memorizing The Living Christ and it was a phenomenal experience. (We started at the beginning of December to help prepare for Christmas.) These activities will be a great addition. Thanks again!
Great idea. I’m glad you gave me a few days to prepare!
I love this. So cool!
Thank you so much for sharing all your hard work and making it so easy for us to teach our families about Christ. This is beautiful and I will share with others.
Thank you so much for sharing this – I am very excited! I was printing off my tags and noticed that there are 2 tags that say 11, so I didn’t know if that is a typo or not?
I forgot to say in the file that there are two tags for 11. I loved both pieces of artwork so much, I felt they both added to that day so I kept them both.
Perfect. You are genius. I don’t know how to transform the archive in Word so I could change to Portuguese. Would you have the Word version? If so, my e-mail is
Thank you sooo much!!!
Thank you! We started doing this countdown and are loving it!
Thanks! I just printed it!
Montserrat! you are an amazing mama! We started on this today and really love the Names of Christ book. Thank you for doing such an awesome thing for all of us!
You are incredible! Even though we are off to a late start, I am going to get cracking on this. What a fabulous gift to share with all of us. Thank you so much!!!!!!
I am trying to print your pdf but when I click on the link, it takes me to 4shared, and when I click “view document” it only shows me up to day 14, with no tags or pictures. Am I doing something wrong? Is there another way to view your pdf?
To download:
Click on the blue “download now” button.
Then because it is a free service it makes you wait for 20 seconds.
After the twenty seconds a blue “Download File Now” link will appear.
Click on that and the pdf file will download to your computer.
The view only previews the document and does not show all of it.
Oh thank you! I’m a new reader and I was just struggling with what to do for Easter and this is perfect! I’m just sorry I didn’t discover this earlier. 🙂
Montserrat, I am SO excited to be doing this with my family! Thank you so much for all the work you put into these! We got a late start and I’ve just been printing a day at a time. I just noticed though… the tag numbers start to go wonky halfway through. There are 3 day 11s, and then 12,16,18,23, with days missing in between. Is there a design to the duplicate/missing days or am I the one missing something?
You’ll need to print out all the tags at once. When I redesigned the countdown to include 30 days {it previously had 16} it was easier to change the numbers on the tags than to recreate new tags and put them all in the correct order. A couple of the days {like day 11} have more than one tag. I loved all the artwork and felt they all added to that day’s study. The “missing” days are the tags with the names of Christ on them found at the end of the pdf file. I hope that makes sense! They are all there – just not in order.
Ah! Totally get it now! I just didn’t scroll down far enough today and that’s why I was confused. Thanks for being helpful for an, um, sleep deprived Mom on FHE night! 🙂 We are loving this way to remember Christ during the spring season.
We have been doing this the past month. Only four more days to go. It has been a good experience for our family. Thanks for all your hard work in putting this together!
This is so neat! Thank you for sharing!
This is so wonderful! I’m excited to try this out this year! Thank you so much for sharing!
I am getting ready to print our tags, did you print your tags on regular printer paper or card stock? Just curious… I am thinking card stock will be more durable for future years, but harder to cut out…
I used cardstock. I then cut out the tags with a paper cutter, folded hen in half and cut the corners off with scissors.
Awesome resource! Thank you for sharing all of your hard work.
I thought you might like to see this list that my brother in law made for the Church’s videos. On the church’s website they are put in the order in which they were loaded, so he created a chronological list based on the life of Christ (and even handily divided it into major events such as Jesus’ birth, Easter week, etc).
Yes! Nathan posted it in the LDS Journalists, Bloggers and Influencers facebook group we are a part of. Great resource to have handy.
I just discovered this countdown and am so inspired by it! Thank you for all the time and effort you spent creating the beautiful cards and outlining the daily devotionals. I hope that my family will more fully feel the spirit of Easter by doing this countdown together. Thanks again!
I’m having trouble with the download. Can you help? I downloaded a week or so ago but ran out of printer ink. I tried again this morning and it comes up but the letters are overlapping and it’s hard to read. When I did it last week, it just pulled up. Now it’s going through something called dropbox, which I know nothing about. Any help would be appreciated. It looks awesome! Thanks.
Hi Quailene,
You should be able to download directly from dropbox. I switched to that because it is completely free and those that download don’t need an account like you do with Scribd or 4Share. You should see a blue download button on the upper right of your screen when you are in dropbox. The preview does look funny but it downloads properly, I promise! If you still are having trouble send me an e-mail at chocolateonmycranium {at} live {dot} com and I’ll e-mail the pdf file to you.
Love this idea. I am going to send it to my daughter whose on a mission but doesn’t like “sweets” This will be perfect. I have one question though. I downloaded the pdf but the scripted pages are misaligned starting from the first page. It looks like everything moved down about 2-3 lines so the last line or two prints on the next page, not keeping the “days” together. Is it my computer or the pdf?
In my original pdf file that only had 16 days of countdown I had the days separated on individual pages. Now because of the 30 day countdown it created such a HUGE file that it was easier to just let the days flow onto the next page rather than make each day have its own page. The file is correct and the days do flow onto the next page on some of them.
You are an amazing woman! Thank you thank you! I will definitely use this with my family 🙂
Thank you so much for organizing and sharing!!!!!!!! Thank you thank you!
This is such a great idea! I’m following along with my preschooler and toddler, and while we haven’t done each day, the countdown is helping all of us focus on Christ. Thanks for sharing your ideas. They are wonderful.
This is just beautiful. THank you for sharing
I wanted to tell you how thrilled I am that you have provided these resources. How you have managed to have 10 children, create the lessons, do them, AND share them, and make them cute, blows me away. Alls I can come to is that you are a ten talent woman, and haven’t buried your talents but went forth and multiplied them. Infact, I would love to know if you took a course in how to make cute pictures and words for blogging and tutorials? If you have a moment I would love a quick email or answer on my blog…
Easter has been for years a throw together something nice a half week before Easter, crunching some Easter activities for the days we missed. I didn’t catch your 30 days of Easter fully in time, but we’ve gotten 2 weeks before Easter and I want to finish through a week after. I printed out the names of Christ book and I was so thrilled when my toddler, I taught him that Jesus was the Creator, and later that day when he saw the sunset, he said, “Jesus made that for me”…I was happy unto tears because I had been neglecting the younger three’s gospel teaching while the oldest three were sponging all my attention. I repented of this a bit ago and have been slowly doing better, so I made my 4th and 5th the names of Christ booklets as well and made sure to use the nursery manual to grab a poem about the Lord making the world for us in a tiny child sort of language.
Lastly, my parents got a divorced a few years ago, and while some of my siblings are struggling with the church, it wiped my capacity to do and give and contribute as much as I used to and I want to get back on my feet and figure out what Heavenly Father wants me to contribute to the pot. I am thankful to people like you contributing in ways to compensate for the lack of energy and ability I have to create things like this that I used to have more energy for, and I also am inspired by your example to move forward into the world of technology and figure out those ways Heavenly Father wants me to share in a way that others would be interested in partaking.
Thank you!!
Thank you so much. This is absolutely incredible.
We are having so much fun with this. Haven’t been able to take many pictures yet, but will try to post more. I #cranialhiccups on FB, so hopefully you will see them. We didn’t quite start early enough but we are making it a Christ focused Easter month, instead of an exact count down. Thanks for all of these wonderful ideas, I am literally in awe, but I guess all of this doesn’t happen in one year, over lots of time.
I am so glad you are able to use this with your family! It took years to gather all these ideas and found this was a great way to have them all in one spot. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment!
Thank you so much for this! We have used your ideas for 2 years now and it’s really changed the way I look at and celebrate Easter with my little ones.
Hi Montse! We just finished the 60-day countdown to study the Restoration. I felt like I grew so much from that study! I’d like to do this Easter/Living Christ study with my family now. Would it be possible for you to email me the doc as a Word doc? I can merge you activities that way. Thank you and HUGS! Emily (High) Ellingson
Hi! This looks amazing! I can’t get to the pdf file to print it. Is there another way to get it from you? Maybe email? When I click on the format button that appears at the top it just goes to a random commercial thing that’s unrelated 😬 feeling a bit lost.
Hi! There is a link below the download button in the post that opens the file on Google Drive. You should be able to save it to your own files and print from there. Here’s the link
This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I’ve been wanting to incorporate The Living Christ into our Easter celebrations in some sort of countdown and found your post! Thank you so much for sharing!