{{be sure to scroll to the bottom of the post to see February’s Wordfull Wednesday winner}}
Where I’m From
I am from guitars strumming
from music and singing.
I am from the box elder tree in the front yard
(where the box elder bugs would
crunch between my chin and neck)
I am from Jolly’s Corner Drugstore
and front porch swings
from games of Nert and Scrabble.
I am from eclairs and chocolate,
from Isa & Peter.
I’m from family prayers
and scripture reading
From serving and working
long hours with a smile
and a job well done.
I am from pioneers, stalwart and brave.
I am from pinatas and paella
from enchiladas and mangoes
I’m from Miami heat
and red Georgia clay.
From basketball games
volleyball and soccer too
And siblings arguing over piano music.
I am from rainy days spent
with books, glorious books!
and a giant bag of peanut M&Ms.
I am from dancing in the kitchen with my grandfather
making tortillas with my mother
memories that return
when wrapped in a quilt stitched with love
and beautiful wrinkled hands.
I originally saw this on Sonja’s blog, Wonder Years. I thought it was a wonderful way to get a glimpse into what makes you, YOU. The assignment for today is to write a poem in the style of George Ella Lyon’s “Where I’m From” poem.
One thing that helped me in writing was to do a brainstorming blitz first. I just wrote down memories and things from my past and heritage that were important to me or played a role in my life. It didn’t take very long, maybe five minutes. Use short phrases! Writing the poem was much easier because I had this list of things to pull from and write about.
Join us for Wordfull Wednesday! Write your own “Where I’m From” poem then link to it here.
February’s Wordfull Wednesday Winner is Jenn-Lee who blogs at Moments. She won this farmhouse chic Love Always decor plate from SweetMeas. {This etsy shop is so much fun to browse through!}
Congrats Jenn-Lee!
© 2007-2011 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
Wow, you are a poetry NINJA! Look at that!
Those last few lines especially are fantastic.
Thanks for always helping me reach beyond myself. 🙂
And what’s Nert?
I so want to do this! Let me see what I can come up with! Great prompt!
Awesome! I can’t believe how much more I know about you now. VERY cool. I’m excited to give it a whirl! 🙂
Hummmm…gotta think some and get back to link up. What fun! I used to write poetry all the time and have gotten out of the habit. Thanks for the super fun WW topic.
I especially love your last five lines. The imagery is vivid and lovely.
(and I echo Meg, what is Nert?)
Love your poem and I love the memories that came to mind when I tried it myself. I am no poet but it is easier than I thought to write all those memories. Thank you for doing Wordfull Wednesday. One of the things I am trying to teach Jake while homeschooling him is that I am still educating myself. I told him I had to do my writing assignment when I spent a few minutes checking emails and my favorite blogs (yours is one of course) and remembered it was Wordfull Wednesday. You are my mentor on Wordfull Wednesdays and you didn’t even know it! 🙂 I think this may be his writing assignment for the day too. Thanks for all you do….
Nerts is a REALLY fun card game! 🙂 (At least that’s what I thought you were talking about, Cocoa. :-D)
Yes, Big Blue was my parent’s conversion van, though not as big as yours. 🙂 I was wondering about the Family Proc. video. Are there any sentences of which you haven’t received any/a lot of takes? I want to submit one, but would like to be helpful if not ever phrase has been covered. Thanks!
Just whatever phrase you want will be fine. Thanks, Shauna!
Love, love, love this WW. 🙂 So wonderful reading everyone’s poems! Yours is just lovely, especially those last three lines. Very moving. ♥
oooh! I love your poem. I love poetry and how it speaks to the heart and soul. Thanks for sharing!!