The Easter season is such an event.
After being introduced to Rob Gardner’s music several years ago his Lamb of God: A Sacred Work for Choir, Orchestra and Soloists has been a part of our Easter season worship. It is beautiful and moving. It tells the story of the last days of the life of Jesus Christ through the experiences of those who knew Him – the Apostles, Mary and Martha, Mary Magdalene. The music exemplifies the hope we all feel in the wonderful Atonement and Resurrection. One of my favorite pieces is featured below. Hosanna, the words that greeted Christ as he entered Jerusalem. While listening to this for the first time my daughter, Fudge, stated “It makes me feel so happy I can’t help but cry!” Amen to that. Beautiful music always brings me to tears.
Watch and listen to a playlist to hear other works included in the CD. It is definitely worth your time!
I love this music so much I am personally sponsoring this giveaway for two readers to each win their own copy of this beautiful 2 CD collection.
Enter by following the instructions on the rafflecopter. Click on the “do it” button to see the instructions for each entry and then click I did it when you’ve completed them. Giveaway ends April 4 at 11:59 pm PST.
© 2007-2011 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
I am not entering the giveaway because I am going right away to get my own copy…I just can’t wait! 🙂
Thank you for sharing.
I won this giveaway last year when you did it and can I just say how much I love it. Well my whole family loves it. We listen to it each Sunday on our way to church (we have a 20 minute drive). Thanks for introducing it to me!
Judi 🙂
I love Rob Gardener. I actually played in the orchestra with him the first time he did He is Jesus Christ in Provo.
I bet that was an amazing experience!
What beautiful music! I long to sing a glorious piece of music in a choir again. Someday…
That was beautiful! I love Sacrament Hymns. They are my favorite!
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Oh it’s gorgeous! I hope I win!!!! 🙂
Oops… I didn’t mention a sacred piece of music. I love the hymn “How Great Thou Art.” It is one of my favourites.
I just want to thank you for posting great ideas. This Easter season has been very special for our family with the help of the things you have posted. You are awesome!
I love church music!!!!
So nice, and it’s cool to hear the other comments of people who love it! 🙂
I love “From Cummorah’s Hill” by Steven Kapp Perry. We performed this for youth conference one year and it was so powerful. I still listen to the music often.
My two favourites are Come thou Fount and This is the Christ
I love This is the Christ! It was beautiful when sung at Pres. Faust’s funeral to hear his own testimony sung by the MoTab Choir.
I like Steven Sharp Nelson’s cello music.
I would LOVE this cd. Sacred music really sets the tone.
There is something about really good music that touches me deeply. From my earliest memories I remember feeling an emotional connection over good music. My children have learned to recognize good music through my reaction, they see tears. That has been a good lesson for them. They take the time to listen to the words spoken, the spirit of the music and quite often ask questions or tell about their connection with the music. Thank you for posting inspired messages.
Sorry, I forgot to mention a song in particular. There are so many, but the primary songs are my favorite with “He Sent His Son” at the top.
It is difficult to pick just one favorite! The hymn “I Believe in Christ” is always very powerful to me.
Wow! I’ve never heard this before…it is beautiful! My favorite piece of sacred music right now is a beautiful rendition of “I Wonder When He Comes Again” that was sung at a funeral of a dear neighbor. I wish I could have recorded his nieces singing it!
Beautiful! My favorite hymn is How Firm A Foundation and How Great Thou Art and I Know that My Redeemer Lives…..
Thank you!
erinropelato (at) yahoo (dot) com
I love the hymn “How Great thou Art”. It looks like everyone else does too!
I am always looking for good uplifting music to play around the house or in the car. Love what I have heard so far, and would really enjoy winning a copy. Thanks.
What beautiful, uplifting music! My favorite hymns are “I Need Thee Every Hour” and “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”.
That is so beautiful. It makes me miss our big church in Mississippi. My dad was the music minister of our church. This sounds like something he would have the choir do. So pretty and so well blended and composed!
Oops. I have a few favorite hymns. How Great Thou Art has been one of my favorites since I was little. When I Survey The Wondrous Cross is another. And He Is Here (listen here )
It sounds so beautiful when done by a choir.
Absolutely beautiful music!!! I have so many favorites and I cry when singing most of them. I’m gonna say the one that I like the most is “I believe In Christ”.
I am so excited about this giveaway. I love Rob Gardner’s music. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty is one of my favorite hymns.
This sounds amazing! So exciting! My FAVES are “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” and “For the Beauty of the Earth”. Thank you for all your inspiration for families!
SO beautiful! Thank you for sharing this!
This is beautiful. Our Easter celebrations have included more beautiful music and other Christ-centered traditions, thanks to what I have learned from you. Listening to Handel’s “Messiah” became a favorite Easter tradition a few years ago.
gammonfam [at]
I love Sweet is the Work. 🙂 I love the Primary Songs and MoTab for upliftment, too!
Ooh, we haven’t gotten any new music for a long time and this sounds amazing. Thanks for the chance to win!
Lately, my favorite sacred music has been Sarah Hart’s work. Later this week, I will be posting about her visit to our church!
Amazing music and a fabulous give away. I love you ideas for Easter.