About 8 years ago when I served as Primary President of our ward we put on an activity about the early pioneers and Nauvoo. As part of the activity we talked about temples, how those who enter must be clean and worthy. The kids then built their own sugar cubes temples.

Realizing only my three oldest had ever done this activity we pulled out the sugar cubes during the Sunday morning session of conference. The younger ones had a great time building their temples.

We covered cardboard with foil, filled bowls with Elmer’s {white} glue, gave them their own paintbrushes, and let them have at it.

They turned out great!
© 2007-2011 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
I came across your blog a while ago and have saved it on my favorites. You inspire me, and all of the information that you share is very much appreciated. I come from a family of 11 children and I loved that, you have a beautiful family. My husband and I only have 2 children, we tried for 8 years and then were able to adopt a beautiful baby girl, then by our surprise I was able to get pregnant and have a healthy baby boy. I feel very blessed to be a mother and so very grateful for wonderful people like yourself who share all of the wonderful things that you are doing. I really enjoy your blog. Thanks again
Thanks Kelli! No matter how our children come to us they are each meant for our families. Adoption is such a blessing!
I love this idea!! I am going to have to do this with my children. Thanks for sharing!