Pinterest has taken the web by storm. It is so nice to have visual boards for all those things I want to try/remember without cluttering up my home or desk.
Pinterest has also driven a lot more traffic to this blog. While I can go see what has been pinned from my blog it is an extra step so I only do it about once a week. Or rather, I only did it about once a week. Now I just get notices in my e-mail thanks to a great new tool called PinAlerts.
Have you heard about them? If you have a blog or website I recommend using PinAlerts to track what has been pinned from your site. Once you register {it is free!} and add the web addresses of any site you want to track, you can decide how often you want to receive alerts – hourly, daily, weekly, or as it happens. Then you’ll start getting e-mails like this:
to inform you of how many pins have been created. Scrolling through the e-mail you see images of what was pinned, by whom, and the description they used.
Thanks Megan and Cindy for pinning some posts!
And now you have something to file under “Good to Know.” ☺

Thank you for sharing with that. It is exactly what I was looking for!
Good to know. Thanks for sharing!
Oh I am glad to know this. I got very concerned when I saw through blogger that someone had found my site with the search phrase red headed children. That was creepy. Now I can track which pictures are being pinned. Thanks!
I just signed up for that! (yesterday?) Looks like it will be so much fun. 🙂
Thanks! I hadn’t hear of that yet!