I think you know by now that we love music, all kinds of music, at our house especially if it is uplifting and encouraging. The EFY Arise and Shine Forth CD delivers just this type of music. The songs cover, among other topics, friendship, service, love, and following Jesus Christ. A variety of artists are featured: David Osmond, Russ Dixon, Julie Yardley, pianist William Joseph, and others.
Because it is geared toward youth I asked my oldest daughter, Bon Bon to share her thoughts.
“I have two favorite songs. Arise and Shine is upbeat and gives a call to action. Never Be the Same is touching. One is never the same after having felt Christ’s love. It changes us for the better.”
My favorite songs are Glorious
“It’s like a symphony, just keep listening
And pretty soon you’ll start to figure out your part
Everyone plays a piece and there are melodies
In each of us, oh, it’s glorious”
and The Light Within, the piano solo by William Joseph. It is peaceful and soothing.
This giveaway is sponsored by YourLDSRadio, streaming LDS music 24/7 online or on your phone. To enter follow the directions on the rafflecopter. There are three ways to enter!

I still love the EFY CD I got 13 years ago. Some of the best music for our youth comes from those.
Stones in the river was on our EFY CD in 1999 and is still a fav.
The EFY CD from 2002 changed my life. I cannot for the life of me remember what it was called but it had a song called Voices from the Dust and one called “When All is Said and Done” by The Standards, which I looooooved. And still love.
The 2009 EFY CD called power in purity. The whole CD was phenomenal.
I loved “You are not alone” by Michael McClean as a youth. we sang it at camp and I always ended up in tears.
I loved “I Will Not Be Still” – Kenneth Cope.. I love EFY CD’s they’re amazing!
I have always really enjoyed Believe from EFY several years ago.
I love EFY CDs.
Guide Us O, Thou Great Jehovah was a song I sang in a choir. I’ve never been the same – there is something about praising God at the top of your voice in beautiful harmony that can change your heart.
I loved “I Walk By Faith.” It really strengthened my testimony.
Walk tall, You’re a Daughter. Is that even the name of it? We sang it all the time at girls camp.
EFY cds are my most favorite
EFY CDs are always terrific! Great uplifting music!
Lots of great songs affected me as a youth, though I especially loved Mindy Gledhill’s song “Child of Light” from my sister’s EFY CD she brought home while I was in college. That song has so many wonderful reminders in it!
Let me get this straight. You have music to give away and you’re not just addressing it directly to me, your music loving friend???
So, I forgot to mention the song. Pretty much anything by Amy Grant, the early years. I just really heard God’s love through her prose.
I love inspirational music and EFY music is definitely inspirational!!
Does youth encompass till age 20?! 🙂 I loved the EFY tapes (yes, I am that old!) and played them so much they actually came apart in my tape player at college. Then my roomate (when I was 19) introduced me to “Like a Lighthouse” (Michael Webb) . I am sure she regretted it because it became my new favorite and I played it endlessly. My boys love it now too, because it still remains one of my favorites. (Although there are a few more on that list now…and many come from EFY disks…)
The song that kept me inspired through high school was a version of “Carry On.” (It may have been from an EFY tape.)
I have always loved listening to inspirational music. Now that I am a mom, I love the spirit that it brings into our home. The one song that has always made an impression on me is ”Come, Come Ye Saints”.
I love listening to EFY music. My oldest had the opportunity to attend EFY in San Antonio this year and he LOVED it. I’m so glad he was able to attend. I wish I had had the chance to go when I was a youth but I certainly love listening to the good church music we have.
“I Am A Child of God” inspired me to learn more about the church when I was a teenager. It changed the course of my entire life, and I still sing it to my little ones every night at bedtime.
I was not a member of the church when I was a youth. I discovered the power of good music on my way home several years ago, traveling by myself, with Janice Kapp Perry’s “A Song of the Heart”. I was feeling very depressed but as I listened to this cd and sang to the songs, my spirit was lifted. I try to remember that feeling when I am down and turn up my spiritual music library.
I love that this kind of music is available for our kids. I loved the song Army of Helaman. I always thought it was inspiring!
I was in high school when i first heard “His Hands”. I still cry every single time I hear it!
There are so many I can hardly choose! I had a tape with songs from the Old Testament videos that I wore out playing so often. Marriage For Eternity, I’ve Got to Find Out Who I am, I’ll Trust in the Lord, and several others I can’t remember now
When I was a kiddo – I had all the Evie records (yes…records ;0) She sang great faith building songs and I love them still!
One of my very favorite songs to listen to as a youth was “Like a Lighthouse” by Michael Webb. I heard it for the first time when I was at a Best of Especially For Youth! I still sing that song today!
When I think of a song that inspired me as a youth (and continues to do so) the first thing that comes to mind is “Do Likewise My Friend” by Brett Raymond.
I have a favorite song and it’s ” I am Child of God”. It’s beautiful, simple and when my kiddo’s are bickering my wonderful husband start’s quietly singing it and it usually calms them. I love that man.
Thank You, Andre’a S
Hmm, I can’t remember the name, but it was a seminary song from the 80’s (they had just switched from filmstrips to videos). I know I sang it constantly, I will have to figure it out & play it for my boys.
I don’t say this just because of the theme of the giveaway, but honestly, the EFY songs really strengthened me. Jon Schmidt’s Waterfall (in EFY 2000 I believe) totally inspired me to play the piano so I could play that song someday. There were several others from EFY 99-2003 that I just loved and inspired me every time. I love music!
I Know that My Redeemer Lives. I know it is a hymn, not just a song, but it pulled me through the toughest moment of my teenage life–a major heart break! I really felt my Savior’s love poor out and wrap me up when I sang this song in a church meeting. The funny part was, I was the ward chorister leading the song, bawling like a baby in front of the whole congregation! It was worth it though 🙂