For the last sharing time lesson for YW Girls Camp the theme is “Go! Arise and Shine Forth.”

I made bottle cap necklaces with the words “SHINE” or “ARISE” in them for the handouts. Both words have a temple spire to replace the ‘i.’ I KNOW I have seen something similar before and although I spent over an hour looking I cannot find where I originally saw it. If you know tell me! I created the graphics myself instead.
Download the graphics here: Arise & Shine bottle cap labels
Mr. Ferrero Rocher made the holes to put the jump rings through by using a hammer and nail. He also soldered the jump rings closed so they wouldn’t come open. He is such a trooper with all my projects! Remember last year’s fiasco? He couldn’t believe I was doing necklaces again. 🙂

We glued the ARISE and SHINE graphics to the inside of each 1 inch bottle cap with a glue stick.

When the glue dried we applied epoxy dots to the top. Usually I would use Diamond glaze but I need to make over 75! These epoxy dots worked great, were fast and easy.

Last step was adding the 18 inch ball chains.
Now the lesson
Have a girl read D&C 115:5.
We are going to focus our attention on the phrase “Arise and shine forth.” Both words, arise and shine, require action. What kind of action? Let’s look at a few other scriptures to help us.
Ask different girls to read the scriptures. After each scripture place the word strips on the chart just as they are shown here. DO NOT place the titles at the top of the columns yet!
When you look at these scriptures what is different about the actions in the middle column compared to the actions of the last column? {Let the girls answer and discuss}
First we need to obtain a personal testimony, be converted ourselves. {Place the word strip at the top of the middle column} before we can share that testimony with others {place word strip at top of last column}.
Or said in more simple terms by President Monson: “If you want to give a light to others, you have to glow yourself.” (President Thomas S. Monson, For I Was Blind, But Know I See)
Pass out necklaces. Have the girls put them on while you read the following quote.
“I believe that you are included in those spoken of by the Apostle Peter when he said, “Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.” [ 1 Pet. 2:9]
That light is the Savior’s light. It is the light of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. By the way you live the gospel, you reflect His light. Your example will have a powerful effect for good on the earth. “Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations” [ D&C 115:5] is a call to each of you. It is a call to move to higher ground. It is a call to leadership—to lead out in decency, purity, modesty, and holiness. It is a call to share this light with others. It is time to “arise and shine forth.”
Can one righteous young woman change the world? The answer is a resounding “yes!” You have the Holy Ghost as your guide, and He “will show … you all things … [you] should do.” [ 2 Ne. 32:5] It is the daily consistent things you do that will strengthen you to be a leader and an example—daily prayer, daily scripture study, daily obedience, daily service to others. As you do these things, you will grow closer to the Savior and become more and more like Him. Like Moses and Abinadi and other faithful leaders, your face will glow with the fire of your faith. “Have ye received his image in your countenances?” [ Alma 5:14] “Arise and shine forth.” (Sister Elaine S. Dalton, It Shows in Your Face)
Download the lesson here: Arise & Shine Forth
My main inspiration for the lesson is taken from Elder David A. Bednar’s talk “Arise and Shine Forth” given to seminary teachers in 2003.
Other YW Girls Camp Lessons and Handouts:
On Your Mark – Stand in Holy Places
Get Set – Preparing for the Hurdles of Life {Self Worth}

These are Awesome chocolate chic!
You have such great ideas for cute object lessons.