I adore silhouettes. I also adore cameo jewelry. In college I found an antique cameo ring while browsing in an old shop. It has been part of my jewelry collection since then. Right before I got married a wonderful friend presented me with an antique cameo brooch. It too holds a special place in my collection and is worn only on special occasions.
Today’s giveaway is a nod to my love of cameo jewelry with this beautiful necklace from Bumbershoot Designs on etsy.
“A beautiful peachy pink and white vintage resin cameo from West Germany is set in an antiqued brass locket and adorned with 2 flower charms made from vintage glass and brass. The tiny pearls in the charms date to the 1930’s.” Isn’t it gorgeous?
Leave a comment telling me a favorite antique or family heirloom you have. Enter using the rafflecopter.
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I don’t have any yet! I am “waiting” for a ruby ring from my third-great-grandmother, but I’m second in line for that!
That IS gorgeous!
I have two rings that my grandmother wore as a youth but the thing that is closest to my heart id my mothers simple wedding band.
I have several things that I consider heirlooms, even though they’re not really very old. Sentimental, yes. The one that I prize the most is a crocheted pillow cover we were given for our wedding. My blind great-aunt made it for us following the pattern she learned from her mother, my great-grandmother.
I have my mother’s rocking chair from when we were babies. I love that I can sit in it an hold my babies just as she did. And I love to watch her rock my babies in it when she comes to visit!
I just received a lovely art glass stick pin that belonged to my great grandmother. However, the REAL treasures were the stories I was told along with the gifted pin. 🙂
I don’t have any heirlooms from my family yet–all my grandparents are still alive (that is a precious gift in itself). However, my husband’s grandmother made a porcelain doll that looks like me on our wedding day. My sweet husband asked her to make it for his wedding gift to me. He even had her include the strand of pearls that he knew he would be giving me. I’m pretty sure my daughters will all be arguing over it someday!
I have an antique chamber pot, pitcher, and stand. It was a gift from my aunt, and I love it!
I have a porcelain doll that my great grandma collected…she also made dolls, but only the granddaughters got those. =) Maybe I can snag my mom’s, hehe.
I have a necklace that was made from one of the diamonds in my grandmother’ wedding ring.
My mother had a tiny mother of pearl cameo – smaller and flatter than a dime, with the mother of pearl cameo framed by a thin gold wire. The cameo is almost translucent when you hold it up to the light.
My mother had a tiny mother of pearl cameo – smaller and flatter than a dime, with the mother of pearl cameo framed by a thin gold wire. The cameo is almost translucent when you hold it up to the light.
My great grandmother had one of the original 13 photos of Lee signing the surrender to Grant. However she donated it to a museum as to prevent greedy relatives from making a profit from it. I actually never saw it as I lived in Idaho and she lived in Virgina. I would like to have my Great Grandmothers China though.
My Grandmother gifted a compact with the initial of her last name that she was given by her mother-in-law. My girls love to look at it and pretend they are ladies from the early 1900’s. Antiques and especially family heirlooms are so fun!
Oh that cameo is gorgeous! I have a little choker necklace from my great grandma that is made of little pearl beads with a ceramic rose in the center. It’s so fun to have something of hers to remind me of the beautiful example that she is to me.
My favorite heirloom is actually two heirlooms. I have a table runner with an apple on it, that was given to my grandma, and then given to me at my wedding shower. I love the reminder of my grandma. The other one that I love is the cradle that rocked all of my husband’s brothers, his mom and my boys. I am really grateful Mom chose to give it to us, instead of the other brothers. She is really good about sharing her heirlooms with her three sons.
We have a clown costume that my grandmother made for my Dad, that I wore and now my girls have worn for Halloween. Hopefully it makes it through a couple more generations!
My favorite heirloom isn’t really that old yet. It is a ring that my mother’s aunt gave her after her second miscarriage when she was pregnant with me. My mom then gave the ring to me after my second miscarriage when I was pregnant with my second child.
I have two of my grandma’s paintings and I love them!
I had a tiny pinky ring from my great grandmother for years and then it broke. It made me so incredibly sad. I have always longed for a cameo to be passed down to me.
I have my grandparents rings
I have a fun art deco era necklace from my great grandmother. I also inherited (through my husband!) my husband’s great-great-grandmother’s rose gold wedding band with she and her husband’s initials engraved on the inside. It’s been passed down from oldest child to oldest child for generations, and it will be handed down to our oldest daughter when she marries. 🙂
My mom gave my husband my great great grandmothers gold pocketwatch–it’s awesome!
I have my mother’s doll patterns which I intend to use to make my granddaughters dolls and clothes.
My husband’s great aunt recently passed away and we received a beautiful ceramic basket from her home. It has lavender flowers : )
I have a sweet little antique tea cup that belonged to my grandmother. I wish I knew the story behind it.
I collect our families antiques, but my most treasured one is actually a cameo brooch necklace that my grandfather brought back from WWII for my grandmother, that she gave to me the day I graduated from college.
My favorite family antique that I have is an old peddal foot Singer sewing machine. I grew up with it in my house as a child and learned how to start sewing with it on paper towels. It now sits in my living room where I do my morning scripture studies.
I have a beautiful coat that my mom wore around the time she and Dad got married.
I have a ring that was my great- grandmothers. Passed down, and given to me.
I don’t have any antiques…I have a little necklace of an outline of a dove that my grandma gave me, that I hope will become an heirloom to my daughter
This necklace reminds me of one my mother received from her grandmother decades before I was born. My antique from the same grandmother is a quilt she hand pieced as a girl in the wagon on the trip to Arizona.
I have a teardrop glass necklace that has crushed opals and water inside. It belonged to my grandmother.
This one has my name written all over it:) Love!!