Taking a break from the giveaways today. They will resume tomorrow and run until Friday. I just wanted to let you know about a few things.
For homeschoolers Currclick is having a HUGE Back to Homeschool sale! Click on the banner below to begin searching through thousands of products 75% off!.

Cheri Call has a new music video out called Already a Butterfly. She wrote the song after her 3 year old daughter wanted to put a super hero cape on over the butterfly wings she was wearing. After she awkwardly tried to fly around she wanted the cape off because “You don’t need a cape if you’re already a butterfly.” It’s a really cute video!
I’m loving all these artist trading cards done by Peggy Aplseeds. Such terrific ideas to add to a scripture journal! I think you’ll have fun looking through her site. I know I did!
All of the giveaways from this week are still going on so scroll down if you haven’t entered!

Oh my gosh, that video made me cry & cry! I was thinking of my 3 year old as a 15 year old & I couldn’t handle it! Please let them stay 3 & 6, running around in dress-up wings and princess dresses! Please!