Janene Baadsgaard has written extensively for over thirty years offering her readers valuable information, insight and humor about life. She is the author of hundreds of newspaper columns and features, magazine articles and over a dozen books. She is a graduate of Brigham Young University in Communications with a journalism emphasis and has taught courses in writing and literature for Utah Valley University.
She and her husband Ross are the parents of ten children and live on two acres in the country in Spanish Fork Utah. She is a full-time homemaker and believes loving God, herself, her husband, children and grandchildren is the most important thing she will ever do with her life. Her mission is to support, strengthen and uplift families beginning with her own. Her hobbies include reading, writing, singing, playing the piano/violin and gardening.
A popular speaker, thousands have heard her wit and wisdom at such events as BYU Education Week, BYU Family Expo, BYU Women’s Conference, Deseret Book’s Time Out for Women as well as numorous other civic and church sponsored events.
One evening in the Provo temple, I had one of those life-changing moments where I felt so overwhelmed with gratitude for the blessings in my life that I prayed and offered all of myself to God.
Within the next few days, my husband was called as bishop, I found out I was pregnant in my late forties and Deseret Book called and asked me to write a comprehensive book for mothers. Well, it looked like my Heavenly Father needed my body, my husband and a new book for mothers I didn’t feel even remotely qualified to write.
Then I remembered my promise in the temple.

I deeply doubted myself. How could I possibly do what God needed when my husband and children wouldn’t quit jumbling up my days with constant family demands and drama? Certainly there was someone out there more qualified. I just wasn’t up for up this . . . especially that formative comprehensive book. With all the material I could cover, what would be the most important?
That weekend, my husband was headed up to the Homestead resort in Utah for some business meetings and I decided to go with him. While he was in planning meetings during the day, I had the opportunity for some quiet time to think away from my noisy household.
I was sitting alone in a hotel bed pregnant and nauseated contemplating where to begin. How could I write a comprehensive book for mothers when I was still trying to figure out this mom stuff for myself? I cried, but that just gave me a headache. So I got on my knees and prayed with a sincerity and earnestness that only comes from complete desperation. I was on my knees for a long, long time. I poured out all my inadequacies and flaws. I told God I couldn’t do what He needed me to do without help.
Then the answer came, clear and sweet. I needed to re-read the proclamation on the family. As I read, the jumble of anxieties in my head felt at peace for the first time.
“We declare that God’s commandment for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force.”
This quote became SECTION ONE titled Better Beginnings where I discussed pregnancy, labor, delivery, and caring for a new baby.
“Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another, to observe the commandments of God and to be law-abiding citizens wherever they live.”
This quote became SECTION TWO called Understanding the Basics where I discussed children at different ages of development, discipline, housework, preparing meals, laundry, yard work family finances and fitness.
“Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities.”
This quote became SECTION THREE where I give ideas for celebrations, birthdays, holidays, important events, the outdoors, family vacations and daily life.
“Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children.”
This quote became SECTION FOUR where I discussed expression, art, cooking, crafts, computers, dance, drama, music, photography, reading, science, math, writing, family fun, nurturing self and grandma-hood.
“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
This quote became SECTION FIVE where I discussed the family and the church, perfecting the saints, proclaiming the gospel, redeeming the dead, balancing busy family life, spiritual growth for moms and dealing with tough problems.
Yet, even after I had a vision for the organization and what I wanted to discuss, my life was not happily ever after. I got about 200 pages into the manuscript before I got bogged down and discouraged. I wanted to give up. The new book and my life were just too exhausting and overwhelming. I rarely saw my busy bishop husband, my ten very active children were a hand full and the newborn late-night feedings and teenage curfew breakers kept me in a state of perpetual sleep deprivation.
Then I remembered my promise in the temple.
So, I just kept rubbing my eyes, waking up every day, and giving it my best shot. Is The LDS Mother’s Almanac, that was inspired by the proclamation, a literary masterpiece? Far from it. Do I have a perfect family? Far from it. Did I ever see my husband again when he was released as bishop? No. They made him stake president. Did I ever get a good night’s sleep? No, I still have teenagers and my husband snores. And guess what, I’ve never really felt like I figured out how to be a mom. I think that’s OK. I think we all feel like that.
Thank you, Janene, for reminding us that “when ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God.” We need to remember that is Who we are ultimately serving!
Don’t forget to hop on over to We Talk of Christ, Diapers and Divinity, and Middle-aged Mormon Man to read more posts about the Family Proclamation!

I love this post so much. I also love Janene. I’ve gotten to attend some of her women’s conference classes before and they are always awesome. Thanks for sharing, Janene!
This made my day! I am grateful for how blessed I’ve been but lately have let all the stresses of life (aka teenagers) get to me. Thanks for the reminder to keep giving it my all!
You are an amazing woman with endless energy! I agree the temple keeps us heading in the right direction 🙂
I have that book and I love it–such great, practical ideas. Good to know that someone who can write such a fun book also feels like the rest of us at times!!
Thanks Janene! I needed that! though my circumstances are a little different, I’m not alone, and God does ask us to do hard things. 🙂
Oh how this resonates with me. Thank you!
Your bio is overwhelming–makes me want to run and put my head under a blanket. But you sound charming and real and joyful in this article, and that gives me hope that perhaps I can be charming and real an joyful, too.
I loved this article! It is nice to know I’m not the only one who gets overwhelmed and that people I look up to get overwhelmed too!
Janene….Thank you! My life sounds very similar to yours. I have felt completely overwhelmed at times and it is great to see that someone a little farther down the road keeps putting one foot in front of the other everyday too. And that it keeps working…no one dies, everyone gets fed most of the time everyday, and I’ll just give up the thought that one day the hubby and I will spend tons of mortal time together. (aka nine kids, bishop husband for the 2nd time, early 40’s)
I bought that book for myself as a young mother and used it often as I was trying to figure this whole mothering thing out! It’s been a few years though, I think I’ll pull it out and give myself a refresher course!
Thank you for the sacrifices you made to write that book. This is one family that was blessed by your efforts!
I have a feeling I am headed in that direction. My husband has been in school since we got married and although he has been very busy we have still had time with each other. Now that he is going to be done with school and in a career I think our lives are going to be changing more drastically than we realize. However, things will work out and all will be well…we just have to keep waking up each day and make the best out of it all!
Wise words from my favorite woman in the world.
Wow! There really is NO rest for the weary. This post helps me feel a little better about myself as I struggle with my little trio of kids. The Lord strengthens us in our weaknesses and helps us achieve amazing things!
Janene, I just finished writing a book about motherhood myself, so I LOVED what you said about not having figured it out yet. I’ve worried about that disparity, so thanks for giving me that kind of permission. 🙂
Janene, this post was very touching. Thanks. I am so grateful for good LDS women in my life.
I love this! Thank you!
I have listened to Janene talk at conferences and she is so full of love and goodness. I love her book, she reminds us of what is the most important. Her book is very inspiring and one of my favorites!
Thank you all so much for your kind comments. Reading them has made my day!