This Thanks & Giving Countdown helps even the littlest ones! There is something to be thankful for and a small act of service involving that “thing” on each slip of paper. Please keep in mind because this was made for younger children the things to be thankful for are simple like colors, bubbles, hugs, bedtime stories and toys. Each suggestion has a delightful illustration from an old children’s book.
Download the Thanks & Giving countdown at the bottom of this post, print it, cut them out, and place in a bowl or jar. To make it easier for little fingers to choose just one, roll each into a scroll with a ribbon. Every day choose an idea and read something you can be thankful for as well as a way to be of service to others. Some suggestions are merely to write a list. This is a type of service to yourself to remind you of all the wonderful blessings you have received.

There are 30 suggestions – more than the days leading up to Thanksgiving. Choose which ones will benefit your family the most and save the rest to use for next year.
I love this! Thank you so much!
I love this idea. Can’t wait to share with my family.
Even though thanksgiving is done here in Canada, I still will be using this! What a great thing for kids to always count their blessings! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much! My girls will love this. 🙂
I painted thanks and giving trees on our glass doors leading to our patio out back. We write on fabric leaves I found at the Dollar Tree and when the sun shines through the leaves it looks fabulous. The kids love it and it really ties them to the meaning of this upcoming holiday. Why is that important? Because their daddy has already started Christmas decorating, in fact we “argue” daily because I won’t let him put up the Christmas trees. I like Thanksgiving and all of its crisp autumn wonderfulness (we live in Phoenix and are grateful that fall weather means 85 degrees) so I want to give it its moment. So thank you for a wonderful idea.
On a side note, this is our hardest time of year for homeschooling. The weather is just too perfect to have them not playing out in it.
Thank you! These are great. I love the lessons and the charm!
Thanks! I’ve been having a hard time helping my 3 year old understand the feeling of gratitude. The things that make sense to me just don’t quite make sense in his brain. I think this will really help!
These are great! Thank you so much for sharing them, I can’t wait to use them with my little ones.
Thank you so much. These are wonderful for all of us!
Love this! Think I’m going to have blank scrolls & have everyone in the family fill out one per day in November with something they are thankful for. Then on Thanksgiving we’ll take turns reading them.
This is wonderful! I’ve just printed it out! Thank you so much! I am thankful for your wonderful idea! I’m hoping this brings the spirit of Thanksgiving into our home before and after Thanksgiving!