For Christmas Truffle (12) made a peg doll matching game for Hershey (3). While ordering the supplies from Craft Parts I couldn’t help but notice the cute apples and acorns also for sale. My wheels started turning and I remembered something I had seen a long time ago in a catalog full of Waldorf inspired toys. . .

an acorn sorting game!

Supplies for each game:
18 acorns {1 3/8 inch}
6 wooden bowls or ring cups {2 1/2 inch}
AP certified non-toxic paint {I used watercolor paints}
a non-toxic wood finish or polish {I made my own Beeswax and Olive Oil finish}

Paint each bowl a different color: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

Paint three acorns to match each bowl.

When dry apply the wood finish. The red and blue acorns on the right have not been rubbed with the beeswax finish.


Now let the littles play to their heart’s content.
I kind of got carried away ordering supplies and ordered enough to make five more sets. And that’s after I made a few sets for the Nursery kids at church. The extra sets are being sold at my etsy shop Cranial Hiccups.

Those are so cute! What a great idea!
(Be sure to say that in a long, exaggerated, drawn out, high, sing-songy squeal.:)
So fun! If I had any children remotely young enough to play with these I would snatch them up:)