Long time readers know how much family, traditional marriage, and parenthood mean to me. I started an annual blog celebration about The Family: A Proclamation to the World, held every September, because of my strong belief in the importance of the truths taught therein. Truths such as:
Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children.
The first commandment that God gave to Adam and Eve pertained to their potential for parenthood as husband and wife.
We declare that God’s commandment for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force.
We further declare that God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife.
In light of all that has taken place this week with Prop 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act being taken to the Supreme Court, I felt I needed to state again my support of traditional marriage and its importance to society. You can read what I have written about traditional marriage and defending the family in these past posts: Never Check Your Religion at the Door, Defending Marriage, and Gender Is Essential.
Today I’d like to share three videos. The first is a song my brother wrote for his new bride, Julia. They were married on March 16th. We weren’t able to go because it was so close to my delivery date. My sister taped this the day before my brother sang it to Julia at the family luncheon. He was practicing so he could control his emotions on the big day. It is their love story. I include it because they are just embarking on their marriage journey.
The next two videos are about how children enrich our lives. They are entitled to be born within the bonds of matrimony to a father and a mother.
“The sacred nature of marriage is closely linked to the power of procreation. Only a man and a woman together have the natural biological capacity to conceive children. This power of procreation – to create life and bring God’s spirit children into the world – is sacred and precious. Misuse of this power undermines the institution of the family and thereby weakens the social fabric. Strong families serve as the fundamental institution for transmitting to future generations the moral strengths, traditions, and values that sustain civilization. As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirms, “The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society.”” (The Divine Institution for Marriage)
And, unfortunately, sometimes comment moderation has to be put on because some cannot keep a civil tone or feel they need to use inappropriate language to express their views.

Amen! Very well said!
I completely agree. Thanks for standing up for your beliefs publicly.
Thank you for sharing this. I too support traditional marriage. I am glad to see many posts now coming across my feeds. I felt very alone after I wrote about gay marriage and came under attack by other Christians. The videos are beautiful and wonderful reminders to us all. http://www.halfbakedhomemaking.com
I proudly stand with you my friend.
Thank you.
I am for traditional marriage as well. However, I recently found myself in a gray area because I didn’t know if it was right to bend others will, to mine. I am not usually fond of ‘big government’, and all the laws made about every aspect of our lives. I am for “freedom”, and being responsible for the consequences of our choices. …Then, the other day I reread The Family: A Proclamation to the World. The line, “Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother…”, stood out strongly in my heart and mind. It was then I realized, WE (“responsible citizens and officers of government”) need to protect and defend the rights of children!
Yea Cocoa!!! I just watched those this morning and considered putting them on my blog, but haven’t, as yet, written the post…haha!
I wish more of us understood the consequences of the disintegration of the family. It is the fight of our day, to stand for truth and righteousness. It is not that we do not love those who disagree with us or that we do not care for them or their views, but we have the responsibility and right to stand and voice our opinion as to what is best for our society, also. It doesn’t mean we need to be nasty, in fact we should not. But we also cannot simply allow something we feel so morally strong about, something that affects generations and generations of people, to be changed because it is the desire and belief of some.
I wish we could have these discussions without mean-ness and nastiness. Unfortunately, feelings are very strong on both sides of the issue, and some feel their message can only be carried by name-calling and ugliness. Hopefully we will choose to stand firm but with kindness and charity.
Can I just say how much I appreciate the light that you shine so brilliantly on the divinity of marriage?! I do! I do! The tone with which you present these sacred truths with, is palpable and sensitive. I have had a sick feeling in my stomach for days as the Supreme Court has undertaken to legitimize a practice of same-sex marriage in the country I love so much.
We live in a wicked, degenerate time and it is frightening to think that once our nations leaders succomb to the pressures of societies weakest but loudest and most dangerous citizens. I fear the floodgates will soon be ripped right out of the foundation. Thank you!
Thank you for having the faith and courage to stand up for God’s plan and publicly sharing it. I believe this is what the world needs, strong Chistian women defending what is good and true without fear of persecution. You are indeed one of those strong women and I wish I knew you personally. Thank you. Your strength strengthens others.
I used those same phrases with my seminary class this week. They are eternal truths about marriage, family, and gender that we can hold on to. Thank you for taking a stand on important things, It strengthens the rest of us.
Thank you! Totally, completely agree. Your blog is fabulous. You are too. Congrats on your newest darling baby!
I appreciate your thoughts because you drew from multiple sources. It seems like recently I see a lot of people use the argument “because the Bible says so”. It has gotten under my skin, because the Bible says A LOT of things that many people dimiss, so for them to use that argument (all of a sudden) bothered me…. Thank you for bringing the Spirit back into the discussion while doing it so kindly.
Beautiful post which I wholeheartedly agree with. Such beautiful clips that you shared as well. I was especially touched by the song your brother wrote and sang for his new bride! What a special gift! I also love that talk by Elder Neil Anderson and appreciated the sweet video that accompanied it. You are a wonderful example to us all!
You know I agree with 100%. Thanks for standing firm and staying strong when it would be so much easier to stay silent.