NEW October 2013 General Conference Jeopardy can be found here!
Wasn’t General Conference wonderful? There were many nuggets of wisdom and truth and testimony shared. Now to review what we heard, study the words of prophets and apostles, and make them a part of our daily lives.
If you remember last conference I created a General Conference Jeopardy to use in a family home evening, seminary class, or for Young Women or Young Men mutual activity. This year I wasn’t able to take good enough notes to warrant creating a game myself. Thankfully Barb Gardner, a member of a seminary e-mail list I belong to, created General Conference Jeopardy and it is terrific! It is a powerpoint presentation which makes it even better, especially when playing in larger groups. We played last night for our family home evening and had our computer hooked up to our big screen tv for easier viewing. Barb has generously allowed me to share it all with you.
To download click on the picture below.

When you view it in dropbox you will see all the screens that were used to create the powerpoint. Don’t let that scare you away! Download and save the powerpoint to your computer. And follow these directions for playing.
Bring it up in PowerPoint Viewer. Click through to the contestants. When you click on a contestant it will take you to the game board. A student picks a category and a $ amount. You click on that dollar amount and it will take you to the question. Another click will take you to the answer. THEN click on the green triangle at the bottom of the answer slide and it will take you back to the contestants. Hopefully the question previously picked will now be dark and only the “unasked” questions will be highlighted. When you finish Round 1 you will click on the Round 2 box and repeat as above. When you finish round 2 you will then click on Final Jeopardy. You will need to keep score as the powerpoint won’t do that.
Have fun!
And a HUGE thank you to Barb Gardner!

I haven’t told you lately how much I enjoy your blog. You share uplifting ideas and printables that help my family be stronger as we implement the counsel of the prophets to study, serve and be grateful. We appreciate it. Thank you!
Thanks so much! You saved me for a YW activity tonight. This was much better than what I was trying to throw together. 😀
Thank you so much! Friday’s Seminary activity…done!
I am having a problem with downloading the Jeopardy game. I installed Dropbox just fine, but when I am on the screen to download the actual game it doesn’t do anything. A thin white box pops up directly under the “Download” button, but it is behind the Jeopardy background. I can click on the very top of that box, but it just goes away. If there is anything you can think of to help, I would appreciate it. Thank you!
You shouldn’t have to install dropbox in order to download the game. The link works great on my end. If you send me an e-mail at chocolateonmycranium {at} live {dot} com I’ll just e-mail the powerpoint to you. Hopefully it’ll work that way!
Are there certain ages that this game would be more appropriate for?
Anyone 12 and up. Although we played for FHE and my younger kids {down to age 6} who paid attention to General Conference were able to answer as long as we didn’t compete with buzzers.
Do you happen to have one for this last conference October 2013? I would love to do it for my YSA FHE tonight!
NEW October 2013 General Conference Jeopardy can be found here!