I snuggled little Junior Mint during this whole session so don’t have any notes but I do have several observations. I’m linking to their talks on Youtube.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland can tell a story like no other. He has the ability to make scripture stories come alive. And, wow, is he a powerful speaker!
I think Elder Enrique R. Falabella’s “Blanci, shake hands with everybody!” got the biggest laugh of conference. I’m still laughing about it!
Another funny story was told by Elder Bruce D. Porter about his college roommate also named, Bruce, singing “Oh! What a beautiful morning! Oh! What a beautiful day!” during a snow storm in the early morning hours at BYU. Sounds like something my older girls would do.
Elder Erich W. Kopischke’s talk about being accepted of the Lord was really, really, good.
I don’t remember much about the talks given by Elder Dallin H. Oaks or Elder Christoffel Golden Junior. I may or may not have fallen asleep while rocking Junior Mint. 🙂
The same could be said of Elder D. Todd Christofferson’s talk.
You can find links to the summaries of all the talks for this General Conference here. Or just watch conference on this April 2013 General Conference playlist.

This quote was a great one! I should have included it in my April 2013 best quotes of General Conference. Feel free to swing by and cast your vote: http://graceforgrace.com/2013/04/07/vote-on-your-favorite-quotes-from-april-2013-lds-general-conference/
I was at that session. It was amazing to be there in the room with the apostles while they spoke with such power and conviction. My soul was well fed.