It’s no secret I love the music of Rob Gardner. LOVE. His oratorio Lamb of God has been a favorite around here for several years. I’ve written about it before {here and here} even given it away a couple of times.
Now Rob has another idea for this oratorio. Make it into a film that will be shown in theaters across the country next Easter. Wouldn’t that be wonderful to have a concert film that tells the story of the final days of the life of Jesus Christ, His passion, the atonement, His crucifixion and His resurrection showing in a theater near you?
Before Rob and his team can make that happen they need our help. They have half the funding but need to raise another $100,000 in order to make the concert film even possible. He created a kickstarter account to raise the money. At the time of writing this post he still needs about $35,000 with only a day left to go. If the whole $100,000 isn’t pledged then the project is a no go. But, I believe in miracles, don’t you? Watch the short video and see if this is something you could contribute to: $1, $5, $10 or more. Every little bit adds up. Because Spire Music is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your contribution is tax-deductible.
To find out more about the project, including a break down of how the funds will be used, or to contribute {pretty please!} visit the Lamb of God Kickstarter page here.
And thank you.

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