We don’t have very many rainy days here in Nevada. In fact, on the days it does rain my kids are headed outside to enjoy the rare treat! Instead we can get some blistering hot days where even the shade is too hot to enjoy so we stay indoors.
In compiling this list I tried to come up with ideas that use things you probably already have around the house. I stayed away from the obvious board games or cooking something together. As with last week’s outdoor ideas these are to be done with your children, not something for them to do to get them out of your hair. Okay once in a while you just have to do that but don’t make it a habit!
Tape Roadways – Grab a roll of masking or painter’s tape and create roadways and city streets on your floor. The great thing about these tapes are they stay put pretty well on carpet and hard floors so you can make one long road that snakes in and out of every room in your house! You can see some pictures on Holly’s blog where she used this idea to keep her 2 year old, who was being potty trained, in one spot for easier clean up. 🙂
Candy Ball – This takes a bit of extra effort on your part. Buy a variety of candy bars – the mini versions are best and make sure you have a variety of tape: duct tape, packing tape, scotch tape, painter’s tape, etc. You will also need a plastic Easter egg. Put a prize in the Easter egg – cash or a gift certificate – and tape it shut. Then begin wrapping the Easter egg with tape adding candy as you go along. Make sure to change tape every now and then to make it more fun. Painter’s tape is easier to tear while duct tape is the hardest. Keep wrapping and taping until you’ve created a ball slightly bigger than a softball.

Binocular scavenger hunt – Make simple binoculars out of toilet paper tubes. Then create a list of things you can see from various windows in your home. Go on a scavenger hunt to spot everything.
Googly eye fun – stick googly eyes on magazine pictures. Something so simple can create a lot of laughter!
So You Think You Can Dance – Clear some room in the kitchen or living room and turn up the music. Dance away! Listen to a variety of music: country, classical, pop rock, 40s or 50s, etc. Have fun doing ballet, the swing, the tango, or creating your own unique dance moves.
Living Room Picnic – Spread out a blanket on the living room floor and eat your meal together. Whether its breakfast, lunch or dinner it will be a fun treat. You could even eat under the table for a twist.
Write Your Own Books – Choose a favorite toy and write an adventure about it. For instance my daughter, Fudge, has a stuffed giraffe named Judy Elizabeth Wells. She wrote a book about her and Judy solving a mystery of a missing dog. She illustrated it but in the illustrations Judy was not a stuffed giraffe but a real one! It turned out very cute.
Play “Going to School” – I know school is out for the summer but that doesn’t mean kids don’t enjoy playing school, especially if you are the student and your child gets to play the teacher. This is also a great time to keep up on basic skills. Give the wrong answer to math questions and see if your child notices. Have them read a book to you, etc.

What activities do you like to do WITH your kids on those days that have to spent indoors?
Those are all great ideas! I’ll have to try some. Yes indeed, those tape roads are great fun. ( :