Monday evening we headed out to Water Canyon to update our family photo. It was windy and we could see storm clouds in the distance. It was those storm clouds that brought lightning that sparked the wildfire. Regardless of the weather we actually got a few good photos! Hurray for cooperative children, a tripod and a remote for the camera (which explains my awkward pose in the fourth photo trying to hide the remote).

SO CUTE. I love these pictures. And I love that you’re not all wearing the same thing. How did you decide what colors to wear and how did you coordinate all that? We are doing family pictures with my parents for the first time in 5 years soon and I’m going crazy trying to figure out how to get us wearing clothes that coordinate but don’t match. (My mom’s all “let’s all wear white shirts and blue jeans!” Mom. We’re not in the 90’s anymore and also if we are all wearing white it looks like we’ve all died or something.)
These are wonderful!!! You did a great job with them. Everyone is growing up so quickly. Sending my love.
How cute! The last photo is my favorite. 🙂
I like the sitting down one. Relaxed and not posey but still a ‘proper’ shot. Now I really need a camera and a remote!!!!!
I love the look on your dear hubby’s face in the last one. It reminds me of the one of you kissing him on the cheek…
I am sure he adores you for the fun and smiles you bring!
Very successful photo shoot!
Posted a comment on FB, then it didn’t show up? Is that big guy afraid to show his beautiful smile? Looks like he’s smiling out of duty, instead of the joy of a large loving family. Is he ticklish? Try that just before you click the clicker! Your family is so beautiful. I love how much Jr. Mint looks like Ganache, who by the way, has the most expressive face on the planet! And #3 (can’t remember her chocolatey name) is getting so tall!
I can’t believe how much Junior Mint looks like Ganache did when he was tiny. So chubby and adorable! I love how your husband is struggling to do the silly picture. My “Professor” doesn’t do silly photos either. ( :
those look great! Your oldest boy is so handsome.
Great pictures. You inspire me to actually gather the family and get a few of us. Maybe during our summer travels to see extended family. I absolutely love the little pot belly on Hershey! What is it about three year olds and their inability/ reluctance to wear pants/ skirts at their waist? Irish Jig wears her skirts so low on her hips that there’s no leg showing between the hem and her socks. It’s so funny!