On Father’s Day as we sat around the table eating lunch Bon Bon, my oldest, asked her dad, “How did the Wadsworth’s get to be in Panaca [NV] anyway?” He was surprised by her question as we have talked about their ancestors a lot but he soon realized he had never related that story before. It’s a good one, one that I will share another day. It involves a kidnapping and being chased by Pinkertons!
That story lead to more, of course. Kids {and adults!} just really enjoy learning about where they come from, what their ancestors did, endured, and accomplished. It’s what makes genealogy such an enjoyable pursuit.
Do you know where you came from? Do you have any photos of your ancestors? What did they look like? Did you inherit any of their physical traits or character attributes?
The 4th annual Family Proclamation Celebration is coming in September! To start it off we – me, Kathryn from A Well Behaved Mormon Woman, and the lovely Caroline and Elisa from Mormon Mommy Blogs, are inviting you to participate in a wonderful online project called Instagram Great Gram Day. We want you to share an ancestor photo or two (or more!).
Here are the deets.
What: Instagram Great Gram Day, a lovely idea developed by Erika Loveland. Seriously, she is a genius!
Why: To raise awareness that the worth of all souls is great, and because of Jesus Christ, our families can be together forever.
When: September 15, 2013 The first day of the Family Proclamation Celebration!
What do I do on September 15? Post your ancestor’s picture onto Facebook as your profile picture for the whole day, and/or a few times throughout the day onto your Instagram and Twitter feeds or on your blog.
In your status, caption, or tweet, include with the picture:
– The person’s name
– How you’re related
– A brief blurb on their life if you know it
– This link: www.familysearch.org/photos/
– And a fun little hash tag like #IGGday, #grateful, #Ancestor, or #FamilySearch
For example, I might share this pic and status-

Would you help us spread the word? Please share about Instagram Great Gram Day by posting about it on your blog (you can copy all the details from here or Erika’s post), sharing this post on twitter, facebook or Pinterest.
You can also grab the button (or go grab the one that connects to Erika’s blog post) and post it on your blog.

Don’t forget to start scanning in your ancestors’ photos! I’ll be reminding you periodically until then. 🙂

SO great!! I LOVE your Family Proclamation Celebrations! Thanks for being you. 🙂