There is a lot going on around here! Though the blog has been somewhat quiet, behind the scenes it’s buzzing.
First, I’ve been busy planning the annual Family Proclamation Celebration. Each year it just keeps getting better. More info on that coming next Tuesday. Please stay tuned!
Next, my teen daughters and I were asked to teach a combined Relief Society (the women’s group in our church) and Young Women meeting next Thursday about “Putting on the Armor of God.” We are going about it a bit differently than you would think but we will be talking about Eve, the Shunamite Woman, Huldah, Anna, Abish, and the Daughters of Onitah as part of our presentation. (The links are for those who want to know more about these women in the scriptures) I’ll blog about our presentation the following week.
Finally, because things happen in threes, I have been asked to speak at the Young Single Adult Regional Conference in Reno on Sept. 7th. The theme of the conference is “Choose to be Great!” Easy topic, right? Um, kind of. I have to speak for 35-40 minutes. And while I can definitely talk for that long, filling the time with something useful and inspiring is a different story. If you know of any YSA’s 18-30 years of age living in the Reno Temple District please invite them to attend! They can find out more and register for the event here.
Oh and lest I forget, school starts next week too! I’ve also been working on reorganizing school shelves and making sure we have all the books and supplies necessary for a great school year.
And because I can’t seem to post without having a photo here’s a quote that was shared on Facebook. It makes me feel better because I sure have been eating a lot of it lately!

I can’t wait to hear about your presentation with your daughters! Love your blog!!
Love that reasoning!! Good luck!
Good on the chocolate. I just put “salad” in the zucchini cake so that makes it extra healthy:)