A thunderstorm raging outside, a cozy spot to curl up, a big bag of peanut M&Ms, and a good book to read – those elements created a perfect day in my childhood. I love to read! I can thank both my parents for passing that love of reading on to my siblings and me. So who am I to discourage my own children from spending an afternoon or, more accurately, an evening lasting until 2 am with a good book in their grasp?
My grandmother, Yaya, who recently passed away, enjoyed giving books as gifts. She would read the book first then give it to you saying, “This was a good book. You should read it!” I scour ebay for old hardcovers of my favorite children’s book, Just David written by Eleanor H. Porter, to give away as gifts. They are held in reserve for those who I know love reading as much as I do.

Every two weeks we have the privilege of receiving a visit from the bookmobile. Who else has a library coming straight to their doorstep? Ginny, our bookmobile librarian, is wonderful! The children love her. I know they will have fond memories of looking out the window for any sign of dust on the road waiting for the bookmobile to come, then climbing its steps and browsing the books Ginny selected to stock the shelves.
We also have our own private collection of books. We never seem to have enough bookshelves! Occasionally we will go through and purge out a few but because we are so discerning about what comes into our home to begin with there are just a scattering of books that are kicked out.
If ever there comes a time where I become really sick or die and people come over to either help clean or go through my belongings I want what is on my bookshelves and piled by my bed to represent the good and beautiful and what I love in life.
Reading is the crux of a good education. When a new homeschooler asks my advice it is always, always teach them to read and to love reading first. Don’t worry about any of the other stuff math, science, history until they have reading down. Read books to them and with them until it becomes a natural part of their day.
In her book Heaven is Here, Stephanie Nielsen shares that physically she couldn’t mother her children as much as she wanted to (she had been burned over 80% of her body when the plane she was flying in crashed) so she looked for other ways to reestablish her connection with her children. She found one way by reading aloud to them as they all snuggled up on the same couch surrounding her to see the pictures. There is just something about going on an adventure, visiting some far off land, or learning the story of another who has lived.
In honor of National Book Lover’s Day why don’t you find a few moments to read a book or, better yet, read a book with a child.
What books have you discovered lately? I’m always on the lookout for more!

Your post reminded me of a beautiful song commissioned by Utah State University a few years ago…”Read Me a Memory.” I thought your family might like it. I have never commented here but have silently read and felt inspired for a couple years.
Thanks for the recommendation, Tasha! I found out it was written by Jay Richards and the sheet music can be downloaded for free here. It is lovely!
For the younger ones “Understood Betsy” by Dorothy Canfield Fisher and for the older girls “Daddy Long Legs” by Jean Webster
I recently discovered the Doctor Doolittle books and have enjoyed the 2 I found at the thrift store.
Seven Daughters and Seven Sons by Barbara Cohen and Bahija Lovejoy is favorite.
I miss those days as a kid when I could just sit and read and read to my heart’s content. Now I rarely read anything and if I do it’s in 10 minute snatches of time. Yet, I still somehow get a few things read that way! The great thing now is watching my own children learn to love reading. I’ve managed to teach 2 of my kids to read now and my 5 year old reads on about a 2nd grade level. There’s a lot of satisfaction to be had from teaching a child to read and seeing them learn to love it!
I agree that reading is the most important part of an education and that’s the one thing I make sure we do every school day.
As a tween (although we weren’t called that when I was that age) I loved the book Mrs. Mike. I read it over and over which I never did with any other book. I really liked true story books then.
My son and I recently finished Little Britches and just started the next book in the series. I was literally crying so hard I could hardly read it out loud (Jake is almost 12 and he still loves to be read too. He is always reading several books at one time and we are always reading one together)! I reread the Little House books a couple of years ago and I am rereading them again. Next on my list to reread is Anne of Green Gables-I love Anne Shirley to pieces. I wore the Anne Shirley earrings, that I won from your blog a couple of years ago, just the other day. I am getting ready to “hide” extra money in the Anne of Green Gables book “treasure box” too, to save for a trip we are getting ready to take. Thank you again for those wonderful prizes! They still make me smile every time I see them. 🙂 I also just finished a good book called Entwined by Heather Dixon. It was one I couldn’t put down-luckily I didn’t have too!
I had to smile when you said your children snuggle up to a good book until 2 in the morning. Just last night, my seven-year old was up reading a book he was hooked on until close to midnight, which doesn’t make for a happy boy when it is time to get up to go to church, but he was so glad to finish it. He reads so much, that soon, there won’t be any books left at the library to read!
And I too, have fond memories of our bookmobile parking in front of our church just down the road from our house when I was little. It was always fun!
Just wanted to thank you for all the FHE lessons! I work full time and really struggle to keep up with all FHE and your site has really made it easier! My son loves them and keeps asking if we can do the Pioneer Scavenger Hunt again..Tiffany from Las Vegas
I love Little Britches too and sobbed at the end. My kids like the first Mrs. Piggle Wiggle book. I think the others aren’t as good. There is a book called El Guero that is good. It is a true story by Elizabeth Borton de Trevino. It is in English and takes place in Mexico. My kids also like the first The Boxcar Children book. I read all of the Anne of Green Gables books every year and we seem to read and reread the Little House and Winnie-the-Pooh books (the originals) over and over. (“If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” ― Oscar Wilde)
Escaping with a good book is one of my guilty pleasures! Wonderful post!
Mrs. Piggle Wiggle books are fabulous for the 5 to 9 set. She is such a wise woman who knows how to cure children of their bad habits. These are so much fun to read out loud, and very funny.
Haha! Just last night I was telling Travis it was all our parents fault that I stay up so late to read. They’re the only grandparents I know of that send their grandchildren flashlights so they can read under the covers without getting caught!