12 more days.
Are you ready?
Yup, it’s that time of year again! Time for the annual Family Proclamation Celebration! The Family: A Proclamation to the World has been a fixture and a guide about families for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints since it was first read by President Gordon B. Hinckley in the General Relief Society meeting on September 23, 1995. It has been spoken of, quoted, memorized and recited. Now it is also celebrated in an annual blog event held every September.

To celebrate the anniversary of the Family Proclamation, bloggers from all over the web are coming together to share inspirational experiences, crafts, FHE ideas, photo essays, and more. We want to spread the message about the importance of families and the teachings espoused in this wonderful document. The truths contained therein are universal to many cultures and religions of the world. The purpose of the Proclamation Celebration is to have a safe place where those who desire can express their appreciation for these wonderful teachings. The hope is that by focusing on the Proclamation and really digging in, all can understand its teachings better and learn how to better incorporate them into relationships with spouses, children and God.
This year our celebration will run from September 15th through September 28th. Kathryn, from A Well Behaved Mormon Woman, and Caroline and Elisa from Mormon Mommy Blogs are helping me host the celebration this year. Come join us! You can grab a blog button below to help spread the word. You can also prepare your own blog posts to join in on the linky parties we will have. Here are the topics for the link-up posts:
Sept 15th – Instagram Great-Gram Day Get those ancestor photos scanned and ready to post to facebook, twitter, your blog, or Instagram! Get all the info here.
Sept 20th – Share your own thoughts about the Proclamation! This is your chance to share your posts about anything in the proclamation. Start planning and posting!
Sept 23rd – Family Proclamation Photo Essay – Pair your own family photos with different phrases from the proclamation (example here) This really personalizes the Family Proclamation.
Sept 27th – Share your own thoughts about the Proclamation! This is your chance to share your posts about anything in the proclamation. Start planning and posting!

Are you as excited as I am?! More next week on some of the guest bloggers and writers who will be sharing their thoughts and talents with us.

I’m in!!! Can’t wait.
Always look forward to this wonderful event.
Total side note here: We just had some wonderful neighbours move into the house next door a couple months ago. Long story short, they ended up invited to my baby’s baptism, and both of my other’s priesthood ordination/advancement. Since then they have been coming (on their own steam) to church with us! When I finally gave them a proclamation, they were so excited. Two days later the wife’s Dad passed away. She told me that the proclamation brought great comfort.
Isn’t this a wonderful, amazing piece of scripture?! I am so glad I was prompted to give her just a little bit of comfort this way.