Hi new friends! Identical twin sisters Kelli and Krisi here from Lolly Jane and we are thrilled to be visiting Chocolate on my Cranium as part of the wonderful celebration of The Family Proclamation.
Having served in YW program for many years (both of us) we are able to bear witness to each of our girls about the importance of falling in love with a worth priesthood holder who will treat her like a daughter of God, take her to the temple to be sealed for eternity, provide for her and their children and live happily ever after. The proclamation provides a great resource in teaching these important principals as it is clearly laid out in a loving manner. We are grateful for The Family Proclamation not only in our lessons, but to help explain what we believe as Latter-Day Saints.
A lot of LDS members of my church have The Family: A Proclamation to the World hanging in their homes. I have a copy (I received it as a wedding gift 10 years ago) but have never hung it up because it isn’t “my style.” So silly, I know! I spent some time this weekend creating one for my home and thought you all might enjoy a copy, too (:
It is a long doc so it’s a bit hard to see in the pics but here’s a little sneak peek:
Here’s the whole doc, (shown with the gray and brown lettering.)
Click here to download a FREE print, (11×14, 8×10 or 5×7 available in brown or pink script.) I looooove this proclamation and am so glad to be able to look at it each day now in my home as a reminder of my beliefs and hope you can enjoy it, too!
Thank you for letting us steal some time on this great site. Have a blessed day! XO

I just printed it off…but I think I’ll have it printed for my front entryway…thank you!
Love this! But when I go to the download, the file is not there.
You’re right! The files are no longer there. 🙁 Try contacting the lovely ladies at http://lollyjane.com/ to see if they can help you. They are the ones who created this file and wrote the guest post.