Marilla has a prized amethyst brooch which becomes lost. As Anne was the last one to handle the brooch she is accused of stealing it. Poor, poor Anne! Marilla doesn’t believe her when she tells the truth so Anne is confined to her room until she confesses. And what a confession Anne thinks up!
“I took the amethyst brooch,” said Anne, as if repeating a lesson she had learned. “I took it just as you said. I didn’t mean to take it when I went in. But it did look so beautiful, Marilla, when I pinned it on my breast that I was overcome by an irresistible temptation. I imagined how perfectly thrilling it would be to take it to Idlewild and play I was the Lady Cordelia Fitzgerald. It would be so much easier to imagine I was the Lady Cordelia if I had a real amethyst brooch on. Diana and I make necklaces of roseberries but what are roseberries compared to amethysts? So I took the brooch. I thought I could put it back before you came home. I went all the way around by the road to lengthen out the time. When I was going over the bridge across the Lake of Shining Waters I took the brooch off to have another look at it. Oh, how it did shine in the sunlight! And then, when I was leaning over the bridge, it just slipped through my fingers–so–and went down–down–down, all purplysparkling, and sank forevermore beneath the Lake of Shining Waters. And that’s the best I can do at confessing, Marilla.”
Upon finding the brooch hanging on her black lace shawl, Marilla learns a lesson she won’t soon forget.
“I’m willing to own up that I made a mistake,” she concluded candidly, “but I’ve learned a lesson. I have to laugh when I think of Anne’s `confession,’ although I suppose I shouldn’t for it really was a falsehood. But it doesn’t seem as bad as the other would have been, somehow, and anyhow I’m responsible for it. That child is hard to understand in some respects. But I believe she’ll turn out all right yet. And there’s one thing certain, no house will ever be dull that she’s in.”
In thinking of what crafts to include in the Anne of Green Gables package for my daughter and her roommates I knew it needed to include a brooch. We decided instead of an amethyst brooch we would have them make cameo brooches to replicate the brooch Anne Shirley wears in the movie.
Supplies Needed:

cameo cabochons
pendant settings (make sure the inside dimensions match the cabochon!)
bar pins
e6000 craft glue (or other industrial glue)
Note: We ordered our cameo cabochons and pendant settings from Bunnysundries etsy shop. She shipped the items very quickly! And we loved the variety in cameo colors.

Rough up the back side of the cameo and the inside of the pendant setting with the sandpaper. This helps the glue to adhere better.

If using e6000 glue apply a thin coat to the back of the cameo and the inside of the pendant. Wait about 2 minutes and then press the cameo into the pendant setting.

Rough up the back of the pendant with the sandpaper and apply e6000 in a small strip in the back and on a bar pin. Wait for 2 minutes before adhering together. Our bar pins were a tad too long to place horizontally across the bag so we placed them vertically. If we actually had a craft store rather than the craft section of Walmart we could have found some smaller bar pins to fit.

Optional: For little girls it is safer to make the cameo into a necklace rather than a brooch. Adhere the cameo to the pendant setting as directed. Attach a jump ring to the top of the setting and string onto a necklace.
Very cool! What a sweet idea…
Thanks for an awesome idea! I am teaching a class at our co-op next week & was looking for a fun craft to go along with the book. This is perfect!