Highlights of all the talks given on Saturday for the 183rd Semiannual General Conference! The links take you to summaries of the talks. To download and print the quotes click directly on the quote to be taken to the flickr page. On the lower right click on the three dots all in a row, choose “view all sizes,” then download the largest size for the best quality of printing. Make sure you are clicking on the blue link next to the “Download” above the photo. Do not right click on it – just click it as you normally would click on something. A window will open up asking if you want to save or open in a photo viewer. Choose whatever option works best for you. I normally choose to open in a photo viewer so I can then save it with a name I’ll remember rather than have it saved as long number assigned from flickr.
Saturday Morning Session

Saturday Afternoon Session

Thank you so much for these wonderful quotes prepared to be displayed beautifully in our home! Our family appreciates your time and effort in producing these!
These are so great, thanks for sharing! I’ll be pinning this link!