See this sweet little face?

Ganache is such a funny boy. His is learning so much about the world around him. This is his latest discovery (taken with my phone).

Oh, and in case you are wondering, there were seven knives and one pair of meat scissors in the toaster. Yes, it was plugged in. Yes, he got shocked. And unfortunately, yes, he liked it. Now we are all on Ganache watch.

Little stinker LIKED it?
I’m glad someone found him and he got stopped.
And glad you got a picture to show him someday!
Oh, boys. I’m laughing here. We live in this place every day. My oldest chemically burned his eyeballs and electrocuted himself in one week. He took a five hour nap after electrocuting himself. His hand was black with burns. Thankfully he survived himself and is now reading quietly on my couch.
It’s amazing how different they are from girls, isn’t it?
Oh my goodness! Boys can be so daring and precocious. He liked it? Really? Yikes, mama, you’ve got your work cut out for you.
Yes! He shocked himself before by sticking a bobby pin into an outlet and then laughed when he got shocked. He will definitely keep me on my toes.
You can get outlets now that have a safety in them so it’s impossible to stick anything in just one side. They’re fabulous!!
It’s times like these that we really know there are guardian angels.
Oh, you have one of “those!” LOL!
Mine is now 17, and I’m sure the ONLY way he (and the rest of us) has survived is because of divine intervention!
He’s a great young man, even through all the experiments and close calls over the years. I have always tried to keep Edison’s mother in mind, repeating to myself “At least mine hasn’t eaten a hole in the roof with acid.”
Have fun!!! 😉
I read this post to my husband (who is an electrician) and he said maybe he is practicing to be an electrician! He has certainly had his fair share of zaps. Good luck! 🙂
We’ve had several people – both electricians or those married to electricians – tell us the same thing!
This made me smile. My Abe, who i think is close to the same age, has been fascinated with the toaster lately too. I was really surprised the other day to come into the kit hen and see him pulling out a piece of toast and trying to put jam on it! I guess he had made it all himself, and now it is his favorite thing to do! Sure glad it isn’t knives, yikes!
Oh my! Way to make your mommy heart have a little {or big} heart attack. My son {4 at the time} was caught lighting matches in the kitchen and I about died. Oy boys.
My four year old likes to do this too. He calls them funny shocks. My dad is an electrician…he just visited and bought us tamper resistant sockets. I have high hopes for them.
Zydeco is our Fire King. He likes to light candles just to watch them melt. As a youngster, he stuck a few things into a socket, so you’re in good company. A few years ago, my husband took out the compost and smelled something funny behind the garage….we figured out the sweet (not!) Zydeco had opened the valve on a propane tank and we’d been leaking propane for a few days! Yikes.
God must have a great plan and intentions for Zydeco. That’s what I keep telling myself as I deal with his exploits.
Maybe he has a future in physics. 🙂
My daughter at about 18 months tested all the insulation we had installed in our new family room with a screwdriver while we were getting ready to eat our dinner.. She came to us with the screwdriver, shaking her hand and whining. This is also the girl that needed a hot line to poison control. If there was a poisonous plant (rhododendrums) or pills or liquid makeup, she would eat or drink it. She was 12 years old when she picked up a white ball on the backyard lawn and popped it in her mouth, (mothballs blown over from the older lady next door). And she did grow to adulthood, graduated with a degree in bilogy, worked at Oregon Primate Research, and is now married with a 1 year old. Have faith, and teach that boy how to use a toaster to make toast. Maybe that will help.