Highlights from the Sunday sessions of General Conference. Click on the links to read summaries of the talks. (I’ll be adding memes as I create them) To download and print the quotes click directly on the quote to be taken to the flickr page. On the lower right click on the three dots all in a row, choose “view all sizes,” then download the largest size for the best quality of printing. Make sure you are clicking on the blue link next to the “Download” above the photo. Do not right click on it – just click it as you normally would click on something. A window will open up asking if you want to save or open in a photo viewer. Choose whatever option works best for you. I normally choose to open in a photo viewer so I can then save it with a name I’ll remember rather than have it saved as long number assigned from flickr.

Sunday Afternoon Session

Thank you for preserving these spiritually profound thoughts in such a beautiful way. I was so intently focusing on these words, that I could not write them down. You have added wonderful visual images to these words. Thank you.
You are really good at this! Wow. I love the pictures you put with such great quotes. Thank you!
Pinning it! Love them!
Thank you for your beautiful images and quotes. And I have a quick suggestion, if I may. I love Elder Maynes’ talk and felt the spirit prompt me while I listened on Saturday to use his talk for my Family Home Evening lesson last night. I followed that prompting and we had a wonderful lesson. I studied his talk again intently and I intended to use the image above about the rock in the river to show my family as I taught the lesson. However, I wasn’t able to use it as the quote is not quite correct. Might I suggest a change? Elder Maynes shares this quote at minute 7:15 in the link that follows. http://www.lds.org/general-conference/watch/2013/10?lang=eng&vid=2724441805001&cid=8
He quotes, “We must become the rock the river CANNOT wash away.” I think the actual wording is so significant. The wording above uses the will of the river as the power in the statement. It is not a question as to whether the river “WILL not wash away” as the quote above states. But rather the question of “the river CANNOT wash away”. It changes the role of power in the quote. The quote pictured above implies the power of the river to decide if it washes the rock away or not. When really the power of the rock is most important- to make itself immovable. I think that is so internally important for the kids to understand. I like this image and quote the best of all I have seen on the internet. Do you think you could correct the quote on it? I would love to print it off and have it in my home!! Thanks so much for all you do to inspire us. I just love your blog!
Oh sure! Most of these were made using my notes so I’m sure I will need to fix several once the actual transcripts become available.
It’s fixed! A hint on printing: If you click on the picture it will take you to the page on flickr, on the lower right click on the three dots all in a row, choose “view all sizes,” then download the largest size for the best quality of printing.
You are a peach!! Thanks so much. And I will definitely use your suggestion for printing. I probably would have just right clicked and copied what I saw. I am not always computer saavy. Do you mind at all if we use these images and print them off? I don’t want to be a thief, but I would definitely love to put some of them up around the house. You do such a beautiful job of putting them together!
Print away! They are meant to be shared and printed. If you find any other mistakes please let me know.
Thank you for sharing these. I want to print a few off (as photos) to put around my home to remind us of the things heard…but I must be doing something wrong (I read the above comment about the three dots, etc.) – a link to the page is all that downloaded.
Can you tell me how to download it?
On flicker it says the owner has disabled downloading. Do I need a flicker account?
Can you tell me how to download from the flicker page? I clicked on the biggest size available (largest medium), but when I downloaded it, all I had was a downloaded link to the flicker page.
Do I need to sign up for flicker for the download to work??
Sorry about that Beth! I think I have fixed it. I had the setting set to private. Hopefully you should be able to download it now. Let me know if you still can’t get it and I’ll send you the files for the photos you want. E-mail me at chocolateonmycranium {at} live.com
Okay, I just signed out of my flickr account to try it and it seemed to work. Make sure you are clicking on the blue link next to the “Download” above the photo. Do not right click on it – just click it as you normally would click on something. A window will open up asking if you want to save or open in a photo viewer. Choose whatever option works best for you. I normally choose to open in a photo viewer so I can then save it with a name I’ll remember rather than have it saved as long number assigned from flickr.
Thank you! The download link is now visible. got it!