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my 8th grade school picture |
Back in the eighth grade I walked into my homeroom class at the end of a school day to find the rest of the class discussing differences in religious beliefs. As soon as I walked in one friend saw me and asked the teacher, “What about Mormons? What do they believe?” My teacher looked at me and asked, “Well, Montse, what do Mormons believe? Since you are the only Mormon here can you come prepared to tell us tomorrow about your beliefs?” The feelings of excitement, nervousness, and just plain being scared not knowing how people would react to my beliefs are present now as I begin typing this post.
I am Mormon, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I don’t hide it. In fact, I would hope by reading my blog you have come to know I love Jesus Christ. I try to live His teachings daily. My husband and I try to teach our children by praying with them everyday, studying scriptures with them everyday, living our religion everyday not just on Sundays. It encompasses our whole life. We also strongly believe in family and so does our Mormon faith. That’s one reason I hold a celebration every year for The Family: A Proclamation to the World. And that’s just a beginning to my beliefs.

Chances are many of the bloggers you follow are also Mormon. Why is that? Quite a while ago Mariel at Or So She Says, contacted me and asked if I would like to join her and other Mormon bloggers in explaining what we believe and why we believe what we do. I love sharing about my faith and answered with a whole-hearted YES! Mariel says, “Beyond wondering why there are so many Mormon bloggers, it is also asked, ‘Why are they Mormon? Why is anyone Mormon?’ Starting today, I (and many of the Internets biggest Mormon mommy bloggers) are going to give you the opportunity to find out. As it involves our intimate thoughts and personal stories, we are going to keep it available only to those who truly want to know. Those who have an open mind and seek without the intention of ridicule or debate. Our beliefs are very special to us and we would like them to be respected.”
What will you get?
I will personally send you a free packet filled with the personal thoughts of the following “Mormon Mommy Bloggers” who share why they are Mormon:
Mariel Or So She Says | Becky The Crafting Chicks | Camille Six Sisters Stuff | Leigh Anne Your Homebased Mom | Mandy Sugar Bee Crafts | Kristyn Lil’ Luna | Nikkala The Crafting Chicks | Kelli Lolly Jane | Stephanie Somewhat Simple | Megan Brassy Apple | Kirsten The Crafting Chicks | Jamielyn I {heart} Naptime | Shawni 71 Toes | Nikki Chef in Training | Lindsey The R House | Jamie The Crafting Chicks | Melanie Sugardoodle | Kierste Brown Paper Packages | Shelley How Does She? | Tausha Sassy Style Redesign |Brooke The Crafting Chicks | Krista Budget Gourmet Mom | Caroline Armelle Blog | Carrian Sweet Basil | Reachel Cardigan Empire | Melissa 320 Sycamore | Shawn I Wash…You Dry | Becky Babes in Hairland | Shandra Deals to Meals | Mel Mel’s Kitchen Cafe | Becky UCreate |Arianne Still Parenting | Emily Is This Really My Life? | Aleisha She Calls Me Mama Leisha | Ruthie What’s Cooking With Ruthie? | Kristi & Kelli Lolly Jane
Along with the packet I will also send a copy of The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Why the Book of Mormon? Well, it’s impossible to truly share my beliefs without sharing it too. As its subtitle says it is another testament of Jesus Christ. It is the ancient record of prophets who lived in the Americas before, during, and after Christ’s life on earth. It is a major part of our religion and a big reason WHY I am Mormon. It is the book of scripture we are focusing on in Seminary (a scripture study class for high school youth) this year. I love it!
Packages will be sent out the first week of every month. I won’t share your information with anyone or send anyone to your door. Promise! This is a free gift from me to you. No strings attached. If you are sincerely interested in learning more about many of your favorite bloggers and why we are Mormon send me an e-mail at cranialhiccups{at}gmail.com. If you are already a member of our church and would still like to see the packet please mention that in your email. I will email it to you instead of mailing it as you already have a copy of The Book of Mormon.
While waiting for your packet to arrive feel free to read my Mormon.org profile, watch videos of other Mormons, or read or listen to the latest teachings and counsel of our church leaders.
P.S. This offer will never expire. I look forward to hearing from you! Also, there’s an article about the project here.
And here I thought your favorite blogger was Catholic! Ha. This sounds exciting and I am glad that you are sharing your faith and your beliefs.
This is wonderful. Thank you for sharing!
Yay! This is awesome!
so fun to meet you! Thanks for sharing your testimony!
Great story from 8th grade. Love it all.
I love this. Thank you!
Could you send me a copy through e-mail? I’m already a member, but I’m in the mood to read some really great testimonies 🙂 I can probably share some with friends and family too!
I am happy that you shared your faith with us! My family is United Methodist. We are sisters in Christ.I surely wish I could have a large family like you, but God did not have that in His plans for us. We have 1 beautiful, cruelly funny, brilliant daughter. God bless you and thank you again!
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints already, but I would love to read others testimonies. Will you send them to me? I don’t need a Book of Mormon though…..Thank you!
I have been a member for 57 years. I have never once thought of leaving the church or questioning the brethren. Once a testimony is set in stone, there is no turning back. I have gained and continue to gain my testimony through the scriptures and the Holy Spirit. When I read the scriptures that say “there is no other way” or “I am The Way” the spirit tells me this is the sum total. Where would I go and find more truth, light or revelation? There is no church or place on earth that can fulfill our longing than in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is the Living Church with a Living Prophet of God and the Living Water and Bread of Life. I know it’s true. Why would I give up gold to go searching for the glitter of the world? Or, why let go of the iron rod to pursue the spacious building? God is REAL and so Is CHRIST. They are not just our last hope, THEY are our ONLY HOPE. I love them. I love the church. I love being a member and serving Heavenly Father’s children.
I am also a member of the Church I am an online Seminary Teacher and I love it, I have recently wrote a post for my students to read about Christ as the living water: http://couponsahmiam.blogspot.com/2016/10/christ-as-living-water.html
I would also be interested in being part of This initiative to share the gospel, and promote other mommy bloggers! Feel free to add me and my blog to the list, what a wonderful way to uplift and enrich each other!
I would like to receive your emails .
I am a member of church , but I think this would be very uplifting .