For our trip to Yellowstone I thought it would be fun to get the younger ones, who don’t have cameras, their own $5 disposable camera to use on our trip. They were so excited when they found out! Some were very careful with what they took pictures of, others were pretty shutter happy – until they realized they couldn’t see what they had taken a picture of immediately and delete the bad ones. 🙂 I was in for a shock though when it came time to develop them – $10 for each camera! I gulped a bit and only whined a little because the kids were SUPER EXCITED to see and handle their own pictures. Here are just a few I liked from some of their pictures.

Special Dark was pretty shutter happy but then saved a couple of pictures for Old Faithful (this was when it came into site just blowing steam) and a bison. He really wanted to get out and stand next to it until we reminded him they were bigger and meaner than bulls.

I laughed when I saw that Cookie had gotten a picture of me being silly as we started down Uncle Tom’s Trail. We had a toddler harness on Ganache and he thought it was great fun when someone held onto his “tail” when he walked. Cookie really loved the rainbows created by the mists of the Lower Falls. She also oohed and aahed over the sunset as we left Yellowstone. She saved her very last picture for one of herself in front of the Rexburg Temple.

On our walk to Madison River there were many lodgepole Pine trees that had been burned from a fire about 15 years ago. Fudge, who is a huge nature lover, was touched by how many tiny trees were beginning to grow. As we continued our drive into Yellowstone she thought the burned out trees that towered above the newer growth was fascinating. They look almost ghost-like in her photo. She also LOVED the rainbow at the Lower Falls. She, too, got a picture of herself in front of the Rexburg Temple but I really like this one of the spire in the sky that she took.

Truffle is into taking selfies. There were about five of them in her stack of photos. 🙂 She is an animal lover and also tried to get a photo of the bison through the screen on the motorhome window. And, of course, she also saved her last photo for the Rexburg Temple.
Hershey also had a disposable camera but she won’t let me take it in to get the pictures developed. SHe wants to play with it some more. Next time, I think I’ll just buy a cheap digital camera for them to share. It will cost about the same as all the disposable cameras we used!

I am guessing you went to Yellowstone before dropping your oldest off for school? We did the same thing when I was little when we took my oldest sister to school. I still have memories from that trip! I love the photos!