Today’s guest post comes from Dana who originally wrote this post earlier this year. It is a touching read about the service rendered to her family at the sudden death of her son-in-law.
My response to death has been forever changed. It isn’t that I haven’t done appropriate things in the past, but now I know more….
In the two and a half weeks since my son-in-law, Chase, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly we have learned a lot and been blessed and touched by the very, very kind actions of family, friends, and strangers. My sweet daughter Emily and her children have been the recipients of many tender actions, words of love, prayers, kind thoughts, and financial contributions.
I am choosing to record many of the kindnesses shown so I will remember and have a working list of ideas when sadness invades the lives of others. I hope my need for this list is limited, but I also hope that it may be of benefit to others who wonder what to do when a loved one steps into the next phase of life.
- Many people simply said, “I just don’t know what to say…” but they came anyway. They held our hands, offered hugs and loved us in our grief. This helps more than you’ll ever know.
- Orange Juice – A dear woman brought two gallons of orange juice, and then a couple of days later, another gallon. It was the only thing Emily ate or drank for 3 days. It kept everyone hydrated when nothing else sounded good.
- 6 boxes of Kleenex with lotion. We cried lots.
- The snack box. Emily’s sister created a box of granola bars, fruit snacks, candy items, protein bars, etc. It was wonderful for kids and grown ups alike.
- Meals – Amazing foodstuffs appeared. Soups, bread, desserts, sandwich supplies, casseroles, a full out thanksgiving feast, granola (it was a godsend the day of the funeral), and a breakfast casserole for the day after the funeral.
- Visits. Just people stopping by to offer condolences.
- Gifts for the children whose daddy was gone. Books, bracelets, toys, crayons, clothing.
- Fruit. Baskets, bowls and trays. Every bite eaten up!
- Money tucked into cards. Some signed and some not, but all with gentle notes of love.
- Letters. Letters to various family members who have suffered the loss of husband, father, son, brother, son-in-law, brother-in-law and friend.
- Help. Babysitting, house cleaning, and car cleaning inside and out.
- Dishwashing. I’m not sure how all the dishes were washed or by whom, but they were cleaned by helping hands.
- A party for the children on the evening of the viewing. Our son’s in-laws planned a wonderful party and invited all the cousins (all of my grandchildren) to the event. It was so good for them to have fun and for the parents not to worry about them.
- WATER: An ice chest full of bottled water was provided at the viewing and then at home for the next few days. It was a huge blessing for all the family {both sides} at the viewing and then again at home.
- Alterations. A sewing wizard/friend made sure that all the viewing and funeral clothing was in tip-top shape for the whole family.
- Floral gifts.
- Homemade fudge.
- Phone calls from near and far. We have heard from dear friends from each phase of our lives and the love and support warms our hearts and alleviates our sadness.
- Music. Someone dear came and played the piano. I watched Emily’s healing begin.
- Donations to the memorial fund to help care for the children, and the child yet to be.
- Attendance at the viewing and the funeral.
- Ongoing offers to help, and follow up calls to make arrangements to do so. Never again will I say, “Let me know if you need help.” Not because I don’t mean it, but because those in grief don’t know what they need. The concrete offers have been such blessings. {“I want to come over once a week and help with housekeeping. I want to come at the same day and time each week. Would Thursday work for you?” “I am free on Saturday evening from 5 -11 and I’d love to watch your kids.”}
- A friend attended the viewing and was “on call” for anything that was needed. She ran errands and was the “go to” girl of the evening. I’m not sure what we’d have done without her that day or the day of the funeral. She was discreet, but our family all knew she was there if we needed anything.
- The evening of the viewing friends came to the house and said, “Can we take anything up to the church for you?” When we arrived at the church the items had not only arrived safely, but had already been set up in a display. I was SO thankful!
- A text to ask Emily what her favorite beverage was, and then it showed up for her, along with lip gloss and extra water. Just in case…
- A utility bill paid on Em’s behalf. (For a whole year!)
- Folding Laundry. It seems some of the most basic household chores seem insurmountable for the first week or two. This was a blessing.
- Dry cleaning drop off/ pick up.
- Ongoing help, messages of love, expressions of concern, and check up phone calls.
Dana is an occasional blogger at The White Silk Purse who loves to read, write, sew, craft, cook, fold books, and spend time with her family.

So tragic, yet such blessings through these simple and heartfelt actions of others. Sometimes you just don’t know what to do or say to help. These are wonderful thoughts and ideas.
Incredible ideas and insight, thank you for teaching us.
Your list is truly inspiring. I have a suggested blog for your daughter (and you) if you are up to it. A family friend lost her husband at a young age and with young children. Her blog posts concerning life after his death are touching, tear jerking, hilarious, and emotional. She also has a wonderful book just out about being that young widow navigating life.
I will check it out tonight! Thank you!
Really sweet. Brought tears to my eyes over the kindness of people, and the wonder it is, to me, that they know to do these things.
EXCELLENT and uique ideas that are all so helpful when you are in the midst of this sort of tragedy. When you DON’T know what to say, DO SOMETHING instead.
This list is perfect! I’m bookmarking it so I can review it until I learn it and apply it often–and not necessarily just in times of tragedy, but just to be a true friend.