Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad In It!
My random day to document things I am grateful for was Saturday. It started just like every other day, after my morning prayers I take my medication for hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed back in September. I am so thankful that the exhaustion has decreased dramatically!
Lazy Saturday mornings call for breakfast that takes longer to bake, like sticky buns. They are especially delicious because I didn’t have to bake them!
Driving into town to take a couple of girls to choir practice we were greeted by the sun shining through the clouds offering just a tiny bit of warmth to the rather chilly day.
This is the sight that greets us right after the last turn for home marked by those trees off in the distance, still another four miles.
And this is the sight in my rear view mirror. Another small miracle – the windows are clean enough to reflect the sky. They are usually covered in a nice layer of dust.
Fudge helps me clean up the bean bed after lunch. We talk about the garden fresh bounty we had this summer and make plans for next year’s garden.
These girls cluck and squawk the entire time we are outside, begging for just a little more grain.
After I get cleaned up from working outside Special Dark proudly shows me his latest drawing.
Then Hershey, not to be outdone, shows how her skirt twirls. I laugh at her self-trimmed bangs.
Laundry is next on the agenda. It is a task I actually enjoy, made even better by the wonderful scents I add to the towels.
Sleeping little boys are a mama’s reprieve.
Since it’s Saturday, church clothes needs to be pressed and ironed, made ready for church the next day. I love the feel of Mr. Ferrero Rocher’s starched shirts!
A little splashing in the tub by a deliciously chubby baby rounds out the day splendidly.
Except for the trip to town it was a pretty typical Saturday. I am so grateful for days where emergencies and excitement are no where to be found. There is stability and comfort in the mundane.
Join in sharing your “day which the Lord has made!” Pick a random day to document – either with photos or words – tender mercies, blessings large and small. Share in a blog post and link it below. The linky will stay open until Thanksgiving so there is still time! If you don’t have a blog share in the comments blessings you have seen for the day.

Thanks for hosting!
Self trimmed bangs! AAACK…haha, well, you must have had a good laugh about it..she sure is cute.
She said she had play-doh stuck in her hair. When my husband asked her what she was thinking she said, “I was thinking I should stop.” LOL It happened while I was in Florida for my brother’s wedding and most of the kids stayed home with my husband.
I love normal uneventful days! Great post!
I love Hershey’s bangs. I think I secretly want one of my kids to cut her own hair – probably kind of a weird thing to want – but it turns out so cute somehow.