It started the day my oldest returned for Christmas break. We laid out a tablecloth, placed bowls brimming with candy down the middle of the table, gave each child a bag of pure white royal icing, and let them build a house.

With each squeezing and glopping of frosting, each licking and crunching of candy, each glee filled giggled and oohing and aahing little moments were born.
And a house was built.
And souls were made light.
Two days before Christmas a little girl stood by my bedside, “Momma, I threwed up in my bed. I threwed up because Ganache threw up.” I strip sheets off beds, start loads of laundry, and bath the sick ones. After getting them settled on couches I slipped in to my room and gently shook Mr. Ferrero Rocher’s shoulder to tell him I was sleeping in the living room with the sickies. He gave me a confused look then started laughing. “The first thing that came to mind when you woke me up was ‘It’s time to go to the hospital to have another baby.”
Obviously he has been woken up more for that then for sick kids! (and no I’m not pregnant!) That comment alone kept me laughing, even when three more kids become sick within the next hour. All five youngest down-and-out for the count. All crying for Mom, all day long.
With every coughing and gagging, each wiping of the brow, each whispered “thank you” little moments were filed away.
And a home was built.
By evening the worst was over, baths were given again, and I glanced out the window to see

an orange and red tapestry of sunbeams bouncing off clouds. And my own soul was made light.

Christmas morning dawned with anticipation. The gifts were under the tree ready to be unwrapped. But before the string was taken from the brown paper packaging, as per tradition we recited about The Gift given for all. With each thrilling declaration of His life, each miracle wrought, each truth taught, each word spoken of His atoning sacrifice little moments were Spirit touched.
And a home was filled.
And souls were renewed.

That was beautiful, Cocoa. I’m not sure how you managed to make barf beautiful, but you did. You win the Internet today.
Beautiful words. I love reading them!
This is such a lovely post. We had so much sickness here all through December. In the end, I was grateful for it. It slowed us down and helped us focus on what really matters. A happy new year and best wishes for your beautiful family.
Yes! The sickness helped us slow down and really just enjoy the special moments of Christmas even more.
Well said. I agree with Kestrel, how did you manage to make barf beautiful!
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This post is just what I needed today with three sick kids, throw up, and no sleep – maybe I need to look at it more beautifully.
Cocoa—yes, barf beautiful, thanks for reminding us of all the little moments. Aren’t those sunsets beautiful? I too have had many a hectic day only to view our Father’s tender mercy in the sunset, or sunrise. It is like He is saying, I know today was hard for you, but this will help ease the burdens of your heart. I created it just for you.
I am so glad He remembers us especially when the day and the night is exhausting! Lately church has been that way for us. My calling is taking every ounce of spirituality and patience and work. I come home more exhausted than when I left. I know it is important to go and to be there. I have a testimony and my heart is converted. But I am still wiped out! Good thing I have those sunset/sunrise moments 🙂
I hope everyone is feeling better at your house. Did you cry when Bon Bon returned to school? For the first time, I did this year when the boys went back. The adult children are so very fun! (And when they barf, they usually aren’t home 😉
Your insights were just plain inspiring. Thank you.