♥ I need a new laptop. Like yesterday. It won’t charge anymore, even with a newish cord and battery, so if it comes unplugged for even a split second I have to restart it. Or if the cord gets jiggled just a tiny bit it restarts on its own. I can’t complain too much as it’s served me well for over five years. Thankfully I have saved all my files to an external hard drive. Now to find the right kind of laptop to meet my needs.
♥ Project “Reorganize My House and Life” is underway in full blown messy mode. It always looks worse before it gets better right? I’ve been reorganizing my filing system, taking a look at our daily schedule, cleaning schedules, etc. I haven’t cleaned out my filing cabinet in 8 years! Yeah, there are some things I just procrastinate doing. But I have started and it sure feels good to clean out all that accumulated clutter. I also rediscovered a cleaning system I used in Fallon to keep my house clean when I had six children under the age of 8. For some reason that I don’t remember I stopped using it when we moved here. It’s like finding a long lost friend! I have refined it to fit our house now and will let you know in a few weeks how its going.
♥ RootsTech was this past weekend. They are slowly making the recorded sessions available to view. The first video I watched was Intro to DNA for Genealogists. James Rader talks about the major DNA testing companies and what each one actually does so if you are still thinking about getting a DNA test I highly recommend watching it!
♥ I visited an endocrinologist last Monday for my thyroid. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 4 months after Junior Mint was born. They are testing me for Hashimoto’s Disease. If I don’t have it chances are I can slowly be taken off the Synthroid which is what I am hoping for. We think my body just needed to reset itself after having so many children (or pregnancies) in a short amount of time.
♥ It’s been raining for the past two days. YES!!!! The west is in a severe drought and we really, really need moisture. The snow pack level in the Sierras, where the farm in Fallon gets it’s irrigation water, is only at 12%. In other words there is only enough water for the farmers to have one irrigation – water their fields one time all summer long. Thankfully we sprinkler irrigate with pivots from well water here but still the water table gets lower and lower in a drought. And some of the farms in California – where at least half of your fruits and vegetables come from here in the U.S.A. – will only have enough water for a couple of irrigations. Please pray for moisture for the Western U.S.! We will take anything – rain, sleet, snow!
♥ I’m slowly integrating into Google+. I hear it will be even bigger and better this year. We’ll see. Anyway, you can find my profile here and I even created a page for the blog but there’s not much on there yet. Come add me to your circle! Or whatever it’s called. Any suggestions for communities I should join?

Good luck with the reorganizing! Did you guys ever get some rooms added on the house or something like you had planned? I remember growing up with my dad always having to finish another bedroom, push out the kitchen and add on a family room, etc.
I love reorganizing. ( : I’m interested in hearing about your house cleaning system- sounds great!
The new addition is currently in the mudding/taping stage than we can paint! The cabinets are currently being custom built for the kitchen and school room. And we actually made a decision on flooring and it only took us about 20 minutes at the store. I am totally amazed by that.