There’s just something about the coming of spring that makes our hearts feel lighter. The sun shines brighter outside and though we still have stormy, rainy days we are beginning to have delicious warmer days too. Today is a bit colder and windy. To bring in some light and color we made sun light catchers.

Making “stained glass” pictures is one of my kids’ favorite things to do and it is really so simple! There is a bit of mess with the tissue paper but there’s no sticky glue to deal with or paint.

I cut out suns in orange or yellow construction paper. A circle is cut out of middle of the sun. I cut clear contact paper into a circle slightly larger than the center of the sun. Stick the contact paper to the sun so the edges stick to the paper. Do this carefully so you don’t stick the contact paper to the table! Flip the sun over and have the kids apply small pieces of tissue paper to the sticky side of the contact paper. Easy-peasy.

While the kids worked we talked about being a light to others and following the Son. I love projects like this. Simple, no-stress, and we even manage to weave some gospel principles into the conversation.

I love Ganache (sp) so intently watching!
What a great idea to use contact paper! I have used a lot of different ways to make these – waxed paper, just tissue paper and glue – but your idea is the best!