How well did you pay attention to General Conference? Can you beat the other team in answering questions about the words that were spoken to us by our church leaders? Get your notes out, study them, and be prepared to play General Conference Jeopardy!
Here is the newest edition of General Conference Jeopardy! A huge thanks to Linda Harper for gathering the questions together. I put them in a power point presentation to make it more fun and easier to play. Click on the photo above to download. I fixed a few glitches that were found and have updated the file. Please download it again if you downloaded it before 8:30 am PST on April 8, 2014. Thanks!
Download and save the powerpoint to your computer. Follow these directions for playing.
Bring it up in PowerPoint Viewer. Depending o your version of PowerPoint you will be asked if you want to enable macros. Yes, you do! You might also have to push “play” in the upper right of your screen again depending on your version of PowerPoint.
Click through the first couple of screens to the contestants. When you click on a contestant it will take you to the game board. A student picks a category and a $ amount. You click on that dollar amount and it will take you to the question. Another click will take you to the answer. THEN click on the green triangle at the bottom of the answer slide and it will take you back to the contestants. Hopefully the question previously picked will now be dark and only the “unasked” questions will be highlighted. When you finish Round 1 you will click on the Round 2 box and repeat as above. When you finish round 2 you will then click on Final Jeopardy. You will need to keep score as the powerpoint won’t do that.
Have fun!

Hi. I really want to play!!!! But…. when I try to open it says that the microsoft product needed to open isn’t on my computer. i have powerpoint but 2007. can it still work??????
I know i don’t comment much, but i really appreciate this ‘service’ you do for us all. love, stephanie
Hmmm… I’m not sure. It works on both our mac and my girls’ school laptops (HP). I downloaded it to theirs to make sure it worked before adding it the blog. I don’t know what versions theirs are. I’ll have to go look
Others have been able to download and play it on their computers too. Hmmm….I thought when I saved it that it was good for 2007 version. Sorry. I don’t know what else to do!
I fixed a few glitches that were found and have updated the file. Please download it again if you downloaded it before 8:30 am PST on April 8, 2014. Thanks!
Thank you!! I’m using your template for a game with the YM &YW in our ward. We have A LOT of Beehives and Deacons that aren’t familiar with the mastery scriptures, so I’m changing some of the questions, but I love this as a resource! Thank you so much for your time and talents 🙂
Thank you!
We played it in early morning seminary in Arkansas this morning!
thank you
this is amazing!!! thank you so much! We are using this for our YSA FHE tomorrow. You just saved me hours!!
Thank you! I got on the computer tonight to make a jeopardy from conference for my Sunday School class; so grateful I googled it first. You’re awesome!