Most of the time my scripture study takes the slow and steady route. I might read a whole chapter in one sitting or I might decided to read only a verse or two and study just those verses, pondering and cross-referencing to other scriptures. Starting on Monday I’ll be reading the Book of Mormon in a little over two and half months, which is pretty fast. Why? I’m taking part in the Book of Mormon Translation Challenge.
The Book of Mormon was translated from April 7 to June 30, 1829. The challenge is to see if we can read it in that same amount of time. Would you like to join me?
The Book of Mormon Translation Challenge will be starting on April 7th, the day after General Conference! SPREAD THE WORD by sharing this post with your friends.
Here are a few helpful links to remember:
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FOLLOW the Blog at:
On the blog you’ll find handy bookmarks to download that will help you keep track of which pages to read each day.
I’m extending the challenge to my seminary students and my older children. How about it? Would you like to accept the challenge too?
If you aren’t a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) but would like a copy of the Book of Mormon (maybe even take the challenge with us?) my offer is still available!

Awesome! Thanks. Enjoy the ride; it’s a fast one!!!
LOVE this idea!
Joining! Thanks for the reminder!