“None of us come to this earth to gain our worth; We brought it with us.” (Sheri L. Dew, No One Can Take Your Place, pg 21)
From the time my children are born and on into adulthood we remind them that they are God’s children first before they are ours. As I rock my baby or tuck my young children into bed I sing “I am a Child of God” to help them remember they were in His presence not too long ago. As my older children have entered Young Women they memorize the Young Women theme which starts, “We are daughters of our Heavenly Father, who loves us, and we love Him.” This is reiterated in the Relief Society declaration, “We are beloved spirit daughters of God, and our lives have meaning, purpose, and direction.”
We are immortal beings come here to have a mortal experience. I love these lines penned by William Wordsworth:
We came here ‘trailing clouds of glory.’ Our souls know their worth! Have you ever gazed into the eyes of a newborn and felt the strength of their spirit? Or watched young children as they play and explore the world around them? Certain talents and abilities are plainly evident as they begin to grow and mature. Where did those particular talents come from? I believe those special characteristics that we each have are those ‘clouds of glory’ we bring with us.
Do you know, really know, what it means to be a daughter of God? Just as children inherit traits from their parents, we inherited traits from our Heavenly Parents. We each have divine qualities that we developed before coming here.
Read more at Mormon Women Stand . . .
Amen! (Chocolate TimTams eaten for brekky)
Wow! Thank you so much for writing this, and for giving me so many wonderful things to ponder. It is truly a timely message that women (and men) need to hear right now. I love your three tips for combatting the adversary’s efforts to demean us. I really, really needed this article!
Beautiful! Thank you.
I don’t get to your blog nearly enough these days, but I am so glad I read this post! It’s so important, and something we often forget or are not even aware of. Thanks, darling:)
One of the Apostles spoke about us being taught by Jesus Christ before coming to this earth. I think it was in the Women’s session? As I looked down at my then one month old baby I cried happy tears knowing how pure and innocent his little life was (still is). It’s sad that life can rip us apart like it does, this is a wonderful reminder of where we came from and where we are headed. Thank you.