While this summer has certainly been busy with farming, farming, and more farming I am amazed that my kids still find time to read. One of the things they look forward to every year is the summer reading program with the bookmobile. They dutifully track the minutes read and become absorbed in whatever fantasy/adventure/biography they are reading at the moment. I thought I’d give you a glimpse into what books my kids are reading right now.
Ganache and Hershey are into the usual children’s books: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, Pinkalicious, Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do you Hear? etc. But there are a couple of books that they really like.
Ganache’s favorite at the moment is Naked!
(by Michael Ian Black illustrated by Debbie Ridpath Ohi) Oh my goodness this book is hilarious! It’s not a book I normally would pick up, in fact, it was my mom who sent it to us. It tells about a boy just getting out of the bath who does not want to do anything but run around naked. And it describes Ganache perfectly, or any other 2 year old I’ve ever known. The pictures are very cute and don’t show anything which is what I was worried about.
In typical girlie fashion Purplicious is Hershey’s favorite read with Pinkalicious a close second.
Special Dark is into knights and castles and dragons, as well as anything related to science. He is slowly but surely making he way through the book, The Story of King Arthur & His Knights
. He also checked out It’s Fun to Draw Knights and Castles
from the bookmobile three times in a row. I guess we’ll be getting his own copy for Christmas!
Have you ever heard of the We Both Read series of books? These are great for reading with your children. There is a page for parents to read and then a page for kids to read. Special Dark loves to read the science books: sharks, space, the ocean.
Rapunzel’s Revenge, The Ranger’s Apprentice series
, and my set of old Hardy Boys books has kept Cookie reading up a storm this summer. She’s very much into adventure books at the moment!
The rest of the older girls – Fudge, Truffle, Brownie, and Semisweet – couldn’t wait until the fourth book in the Brotherband Chronicles
came out two weeks ago. Fudge got a little bit of a head start since it was released while the other girls were at girls camp. She finished it first and was dying to talk about it but no one else was finished yet. She talked my ear off one evening because she just couldn’t wait any longer. The Brotherband Chronicles and the Ranger’s Apprentice series are companions to one another. It’s definitely kept the girls busy happily reading. They were even delighted to find a music soundtrack on John Flanagan’s website for Ranger’s Apprentice!
Bon Bon and I read Surviving Hitler which was fabulous. I just finished Code Name Verity. It was sad and made me cry which made the girls laugh. It did have swear words though. Why do author’s have to put those in? Now I am reading Six Star Ranch
, an oldie from 1913 written by Eleanor H. Porter. I bought the book off of ebay.
What have you been reading lately?
I believe I posted about the Reader’s Digest Condensed books that I had been paying $30.00 every other month, they cut me off when I was late on a payment, so I went to the Flaming Flamingo and picked up four for $.080 cents! I am currently reading some old biographies. I just finished Rembrandt, which was rather dull, and am now reading about the great lover/poets, Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning, which is very Victorian and I am enjoying. Next is Benjamin Franklin and Sir William Osler. He was instrumental in the establishment of Johns Hopkins Medical School, a preacher and doctor in the Canadian wilderness, and a mischievous prankster.
I read a short excerpt from the Surviving Hitler book, and can’t wait to get a copy of that, as well.
You can borrow my copy of Surviving Hitler. I bring it to church on Sunday.
Great! Thank-you!
OOh, thanks for the book recommendations. It’s so fun to see kids reading and reading. My 6 year old just finished Ozma of Oz and then my 8 year old snatched up the Nook to read it next. They are both really into the Oz stories right now. (Though I think some of the words are too hard and they don’t understand it all.)
I read dozens of junior/teen fiction books that I pick up for 25 cents from the library. I like books that I can get through in a small amount of time. I did recently finish a biography of L.M. Montgomery which I’ll talk about on my blog soon as well as another series of books that is so good I canceled school for the day so I could read- and I never do that!
Oh I can’t wait to read about the series you hinted at here. Canceling school to read is not a bad idea!
About three weeks ago, the school librarian emailed me to ask if Jazz would be a member of the Battle of the Books team this coming year.. Jazz was thrilled since she considers reading a physical activity! The librarian sent the list of 15 books and we hit the local library. A week later, we were told that a stack of the books (her very own copies) were waiting at the school.. She was quick to say that Jazz wasn’t expected to read them all, but to just try to get through about half. I laughed and replied that reader girl had already plowed through 5 and was working on number 6!. I am working with her to take notes as she goes.
Have yours read The One and Only Ivan? or Out of My Mind? Both are excellent and really challenge their values. I like that.
They haven’t but now that they are recommended I make sure they do. 🙂
Hooray for summer reading! I envy the time my kids have to lose themselves in books because I want to do the same.
Sorry to say a negative thing, but the font on your new blog is really difficult for me to read because it is so thin. Maybe if it were bold it would be easier? I feel like I can’t see half of the letter. But otherwise it’s cute!
Thanks for the feedback, Shauna. I’ll try making the text darker. I think it is set to a lighter gray by default.
I have to agree with Shauna about the font. It’s very light in color and hard to see on the bright white. All new things need a bit of tweaking, though, right? We are happy to see the .com up and running!
Love that you plugged Ranger’s Apprentice. I love those books so much!!! We’re finishing up medieval history so lots of castles and knights around here as well. I just reread A House of Many Rooms by Rodello Hunter. It is a memoir of growing up at the turn of the century in a small Mormon community. I loved it when I was younger because it so perfectly captured the dynamics of being part of a large family. I cried the whole way through reading it as an adult (I’m pregnant too, so that is part of it) because I have a better grasp of how difficult it was for the parents. You’d love it. I also reread The Only Alien on the Planet twice this summer. If your older girls haven’t read that one, they’d probably really like it. I just assigned my seven year old daughter An Ordinary Princess. Oh, I love that book and so did she! My oldest (11) saw her reading it and had to reread it herself. So there you go–way too many recommendations!
There can never be too many recommendations for good books! Thanks bunches!